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  1. Smith6612

    Good Free Program?

    Blender is a nice program to use for creating textures. GIMP is a great program for editing and creating things and works just like Photoshop.
  2. Smith6612

    How much you spend on Internet?

    That 1GB limit has to be a bugger considering how fast the line is. It wouldn't take very long to shoot over a gigabyte of usage at that speed anyways. A 1GB cap should be on a 100 kilobit connection, not on a 2 Megabit connection...
  3. Smith6612

    God vs. Science

    This is quite an interesting read. However, I won't start a debate on such a thing, as I've had several Religion vs. Science battles over at my forum that seriously tore up the community for a week. But yeah, the thing about the human brain, the Ancient Egyptians knew about brains, as when they...
  4. Smith6612

    100% speed up ur pc -4 windows

    For anyone wondering what this code does, it simply frees up the RAM and removes data left in there from closed programs. The code he gave above is for people with systems of 128MB of RAM or above. If you for some reason have less than 128MB of RAM, the code will be Mystring = (16000000)
  5. Smith6612

    Which PC Brand?

    Don't forget that Alienware is owned by Dell though :)
  6. Smith6612


    My week long break starts on the 24th of December here.
  7. Smith6612

    Christmas Gift.

    Santa uses the internet. Hey, the least you can hope for is some money to pay for a domain. Santa can give you that :)
  8. Smith6612

    Need info

    Welcome to x10 omaras! If anything, you should attempt running a trace route to the server if it is still down for you. I'm connecting and loading up your site quickly over here, but yet again I'm in the US so I have a shorter distance to the servers, which normally means less points of failure.
  9. Smith6612


    Welcome to x10 webmasterneo! Right now the sign-ups are being delayed until a bug with cPanel is dealt with.
  10. Smith6612

    Sources on the web for learning about error messages

    Welcome to x10 nagennaskar! I second Google as well. I haven't come across one site that has the motherload of FAQs for Error messages other than the websites for operating systems such as Microsoft Support and Apple's Support forums.
  11. Smith6612

    How about X10 T-shirts?

    Ask Corey :biggrin:. Shirts would be a nice idea though, to bring in some revenue and to show your support for the place :)
  12. Smith6612

    How much you spend on Internet?

    I pay $40 a month for 7.1Mbps/768kbps (I'm provisioned at 1.5Mbps and get that though) DSL.
  13. Smith6612

    Hello Everybody! :)

    Welcome to x10 bulletkid! Basically, the TOS states that you technically cannot link to or host copyrighted material. That's basically where you need to look into.
  14. Smith6612

    Google Trick

    I've seen this JavaScript before. I've even seen some JavaScript trick that allows you to use JavaScript to virtually make a web page look like something else. It was funny. My friend pulled a prank on me before thinking that I'd fall for a trick that my home server had gotten hacked by someone...
  15. Smith6612

    how to host by ftp

    No problem. Any time! :)
  16. Smith6612

    default DNS port

    No-IP is a good service to use. Since you're not using Port 80, just have No-IP do a Port 80 Redirect on your account so that users don't have do to http:// *siteurl*:8080 in order to visit your site.
  17. Smith6612

    Browsing the NET via calculator or notepad

    Hey that's the same blocking system that my school uses! Whoever manages my school's blocks fails miserably, as they block sites that are actually educational or informative about the world (The Inquirer and DSL Report's forumsfor example! They also blocked these forums as well but not the...
  18. Smith6612

    Christmas list

    All I'm asking for Christmas this year is... 1: Verizon FiOS (come on Verizon, go faster!) 2: More games for my PC 3: Monies!
  19. Smith6612

    Any Musical Background?

    I used to sing in a chorus and I played in band for about 5-6 years, so I have a lot of musical experience.
  20. Smith6612

    The Ultimate Star Wars Book - Please Help...

    No problem :) Wikipedia is one of the most useful sites out there.