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  1. Livewire

    My hosting is suspended :(

    Here's the problem: You got suspended by one of our highest level staff members who reviewed it, confirmed it was file hosting, and took it down. Based off the name of the main domain on the account I would venture to bet it was something similar to youtube installed (itube, youtube, very close...
  2. Livewire

    I've been suspended for a phishing website?

    Escalating up; I didn't look particularly hard but I didn't see anything that actually showed a phishing page, so the higher ups need to look at their logs and see what tripped it. If indeed it is a phishing page on there somewhere, it'd violate the Illegal Material clause as phishing is...
  3. Livewire


    I looked it up (I still have the old system's bookmarked link) - yours was suspended by one of the way-high-ups and removed under a ZT permanent suspension. We can't reactivate the account at this point.
  4. Livewire

    Account suspended

    Quick note as well, it's not from files, it's from CPU and RAM usage. The number of files didn't trigger the suspension at all; something used a lot of cpu or ram for an extended time and it suspended it to stop it from killing the server.
  5. Livewire

    Ask for support

    FMPEG and mmpeg are not installed on free since we don't allow file storage/file hosting, which includes video hosting like what clipbucket allows. It's also a major drain on resources.
  6. Livewire

    Disable Susspension

    Over space isn't the issue, nulled scripts are. ArcadeM has been nulled and is tagged as such quite clearly in many of the files (subfolder 123), and so is your Gamescript (subfolder Y10). Your access has been revoked; you cannot be unsuspended or permitted access to the account for any...
  7. Livewire

    Activate php contact form

    Problem identified; for PHP files they must be permissionset 644, folders 755. Yours are 777, a security risk, so the php processor is refusing to execute them.
  8. Livewire

    request to activate account

    Change the nameservers at their registrar. You can't use them on another x10hosting account until this one's erased, but if you update the nameservers you can use them elsewhere.
  9. Livewire

    return to active status for vchostin

    Someone did, and then: Resuspended for a zero tolerance permanent suspension of our TOS; you cannot be unsuspended or provided access to the account again for any reason. Thanks for using x10hosting!
  10. Livewire

    File limit

    Or you could try following the TOS and not hosting a file storage site. * File Storage: Accounts are not to be used for file storage, your account will be permenantly suspended if found to be breaking this rule. Downloads are only allowed on your x10Hosting account if they have to do directly...
  11. Livewire

    About TOS

    Have now that's for sure; Habbo Hotel Emulators fall squarely in the Warez section of the TOS, and result in a permanent suspension.
  12. Livewire

    suspension notification (massive issue)

    Looks like it's cause our suspension system was acting up and was suspending you multiple times for the same violation; it's gunna send one more since I've updated the suspension reason to clarify what you were permanently suspended for. You can call it spam if you want as well; I classify the...
  13. Livewire


    I found it on your site under the "soft" section under "computer" after translating it to English via Google Translate. The site was linked to, and under the Warez section of our TOS linking to or providing how-to's for warez is a zero tolerance violation (linking to a warez site is the same)...
  14. Livewire

    Prolonged Pending Request

    No worries about being impatient; there's a lot of folks who want to get on x10 ASAP is all :)
  15. Livewire


    You've already gotten your answer - rapidleech is a zero tolerance permanent suspension, and you will not be unsuspended for any reason period.
  16. Livewire


    I'm doublechecking this now since this is a filter of mine that had a false positive earlier. will edit within 5 minutes to detail what happened. Edit: Confirmed, suspension valid, happy holidays.
  17. Livewire

    Hostng Suspended

    Orkut Tools AKA the flooding toolkit for Orkut counts as script hosting/malicious scripts and will not be permitted. You cannot be unsuspended for any reason.
  18. Livewire

    Attempt to upgrade WordPress Leads to Suspension

    High Resource Usage isn't disk/bandwidth, it's CPU/Ram which you can't track from within cpanel; we've been getting this one a lot actually. Is there a manual update feature still inside wordpress where you can FTP the changed files to the host? If there is, I'd try that one instead...
  19. Livewire

    why so many problems with free accounts?

    Yeah SQL's getting hammered with requests so every once in a while the connections drop; we're still working on that. Most of the guys abusing it majorly are getting suspended too, which helps :)
  20. Livewire


    Use your existing ticket as well; you don't need to open multiple tickets for us to keep telling you that you're permanently suspended.