Your site is loading fine for me at this time. Probably a temporary error. Try clearing your browser cache and try again. If you are still having difficulties post back and we will assist you farther.
You should always start your own support threads even when your issue seems to be the same or very similar to somebody else's problem. That is why you were not allowed to post in somebody else's thread.
There are currently some issues with webmail. Should be fixed soon. We apologize for the...
Captcha is used until new users make 5 posts. After that it should go away. And you should not need moderator approval. Are you still experiencing these things?
I have seen these kind of games before and they are usually very good at making a correct guess. The programming behind these things is probably very interesting. Appreciate the link. Will be back to play some more later.
You are getting that browser warning because the server is temporarily using a self signed server certificate while the permanent ssl certificates are being installed and configured. It is safe to ignore that warning in this case.
Re: getting internal server error when using any php & mysql script like wordpress or
Staff is aware of this issue and working to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Your website is loading fine for me. Probably a temporary error. Clear your browser cache and try again. If you are still having difficulties post back and we will assist you farther.
Your website is loading fine for me. May have been some sort of temporary error. Try clearing your browser cache and try again. If you are still having difficulties post back and we will assist you farther.