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  1. descalzo

    how to change domain to dot tk free domain? After obtaining the .tk domain, add it as either a parked domain or as an add-on domain.
  2. descalzo

    TLD from GoDaddy and a free x10 account You can add it as a parked domain (same content as your main domain) or as an add-on (different content).
  3. descalzo

    No adsense ads displayed

    The problem is with Google not sending the ads. Ask them.
  4. descalzo

    Problem with websense block doesn't work for you?
  5. descalzo

    Problem parking my domain

    Log onto your WordPress admin acct. Change the "site URL" to your .info address.
  6. descalzo

    MX lookup doesn't show any mx records.

    Domain name?
  7. descalzo

    Change url of my site

    Use cPanel to add the new name as a Parked domain. Then you can access the site using either url. You might have to adjust the "Site URL" setting on any CMS you are using. Currently, you cannot change the main domain name for your account.
  8. descalzo

    Add CNAME record.

    You can do it yourself via the cPanel.
  9. descalzo

    No access to new sub-domain

    foo.html?aardvark often fools caching programs into asking for foo.html again (it thinks that it is dynamic content), even though the ?aardvark is discarded by the server.
  10. descalzo

    No access to new sub-domain

    Sounds like your ISP might be caching too. Try
  11. descalzo

    No access to new sub-domain

    That link sends me to a blank index.html on your subdomain.
  12. descalzo

    Website Url

    Do not use redirection. Open .htaccess and remove the redirect. You will have to adjust your WP install too (set the site URL to the .uk domain)
  13. descalzo

    Free Bouncing Ball Lottery Number Picker ... you already posted this. Also, it is still producing duplicate numbers.
  14. descalzo

    Wordpress and PHP prepend_file

    Why don't you just tell him what you think he should do?
  15. descalzo

    Wordpress and PHP prepend_file

    Have you tried calling exit after outputting the header?
  16. descalzo

    Wordpress and PHP prepend_file

    Have you tried to add a test.php page to the Wordpress site and see if the redirect works there (ie, WordPress never gets involved)?
  17. descalzo

    Wordpress and PHP prepend_file

    Sorry. Still not enough info. If your code is so top secret that you don't want to share, fine. If you really want help, post your code and your .htaccess file.
  18. descalzo

    Wordpress and PHP prepend_file

    Again, not enough info. 1. What are you doing in http.conf ? 2. What file are you prepending? 3. Are you saying , a non-Wordpress site using PHP, does what you want, but , a Wordpress site on the same server , does not do what you want?
  19. descalzo

    Removing the default domain

    That feature has been disabled. You have to add the new domain name as an add-on or parked domain.
  20. descalzo

    Is IP Board allowed in premium?

    With a valid license for the domain, why shouldn't it be allowed?