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  1. descalzo

    Site Down

    I see a Zen Cart install for Israel Imports. Try clearing your cache.
  2. descalzo

    The PostgreSQL server is currently offline Sorry but PostgreSQL is not offered on the Free Hosting accounts.
  3. descalzo

    Help setting a cronjob up.

    1. Try putting an echo "it ran" line in your script 2. What is the time part of the cron command look like? 3. Alternatively, misspell the script name and see if that produces an error message.
  4. descalzo

    Help setting a cronjob up.

    /usr/bin/php -q /home/igor/public_html/alpha/turn.php >>/home/igor/public_html/alpha/cron_log.txt 2>&1 this way any output/error messages get put into cron_log.txt for debugging, etc.
  5. descalzo

    Domain Help As a parked or add-on domain.
  6. descalzo

    Redirection Issue

    To scrapps: sends me to the google sign-in for SCrApps Might be a DNS propagation issue, ie, it will take time for your part of the Net to get the new info.
  7. descalzo

    Main Domain Change?

    The feature cause way too many problems and so was disabled. You have to add the new domain choice as either a parked domain or an add-on domain.
  8. descalzo

    How to read Raw Access Logs on Windows computer?

    How did you try to read it? Right click on the uncompressed file and select "Open with"--> Notepad/WordPad should work.
  9. descalzo

    Redirection Issue

    Have you tried CNAME either --> OR> ??
  10. descalzo

    Where am I going wrong with this code guys?

    Where is the "popup" function defined?
  11. descalzo

    function works on local not on remote

    How are you passing/getting the strings? Be specific. Examples? Does it ever work properly?
  12. descalzo

    has my account been compromised?

    1. What is in .htaccess? It is a standard file (access, URL rewriting). It is only bad if someone put something bad in it. Systems often just put a blank one in by default that you can edit. 2. .wysiwygPro_preview... seems to be generated by cPanel's HTML editor. Only worry if you never...
  13. descalzo

    Problem with $_POST in PHP Use stripslashes( $input ) on any input from forms, since the x10 servers add the slashes because magic_quotes_gpc ( ) is set.
  14. descalzo

    need help in PHP coding - double header not working if used twice??

    Do you get an error with your code? You should not output anything other than the header.
  15. descalzo

    Spot the difference

    At least the director ripped off his own film. (and The Island had a lot of copyright issues itself). But then he recycled footage from his Pearl Harbor into the first Transformers.
  16. descalzo

    DOCTYPE getting changed?

    Got URL? Is this a PHP page or straight HTML? Actually, it shouldn't be happening.
  17. descalzo

    Using my own domain with A-Records

    To anyone reading this thread in the future: 1. There are several servers for the free accounts, not just one. So one poster's IP may not be yours. 2. IP's of the servers can and have changed over time. So even if you are on the same server as a poster, the IP may now be different (a...
  18. descalzo

    Apache HTTP Server required

    They use Litespeed here. You should contact the maker of the script and see if they can help you.