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  1. Livewire

    URGENT: Account Suspension

    Yes, I'm serious.
  2. Livewire

    URGENT: Account Suspension

    Under the zero tolerance policy it's a permanent suspension with no backups provided and no access to the account.
  3. Livewire unsuspended

    You were permanently suspended for Warez, the Unsupported Language violation isn't even listed in your suspension reason. This is Zero Tolerance, as you were told in your most recent topic, and you are permanently suspended pending termination. We do not expedite the erasing of accounts once...
  4. Livewire

    How many you are using X10 free hosting account

    More than 2yr although I haven't been using it for the last 2.5 either - I went to paid on x10 :)
  5. Livewire suspended

    Don't double post. We don't expedite the erasing of one's account once they are found to be in violation of the terms of service. Your account will be erased in due time.
  6. Livewire

    URGENT: Account Suspension

    I also screencapped the violation before suspending it, so there would be proof that it was there. It is available to staff on request.
  7. Livewire

    Account Suspended! Says shell scripts when i dont have any :(

    Judging by that it's still suspended after 2 staff have come through, I'm going to bet this is still covered under x10hosting's Zero Tolerance policy leaving the account permanently suspended with no backups. For the future, if you were to get compromised again, nuke wordpress, keep only the...
  8. Livewire

    Ugliest console - 6th and 7th generation

    That's the VMU; an LCD enabled Memory Card basically. Most games didn't do much with it, some let you have a virtual pet on it. In particular there was one that was a Sonic version of Mario Party; the LCD was used to display what movement cards were in your hand. If you were playing without...
  9. Livewire

    Website Hosting

    Negative: The term emulator is removed there, however Ragnarok doesn't allow private servers, therefore it would be in violation of their rights, and by proxy the TOS.
  10. Livewire

    Account Suspension.

    Unfortunately Phishing sites violate United States law, which keeps the account in the Zero Tolerance policy; we can't unsuspend your account or provide access to anything that was on it.
  11. Livewire

    My Free Hosting is suspended

    Unfortunately I've been able to confirm this is indeed Zero Tolerance and results in a permanent suspension. Here's the problem: If we unsuspend you, we start paying massive fines to Visa/Mastercard for your exposing of credit card numbers...
  12. Livewire

    Website Hosting

    If I'm not mistaken Ethena is the private server Emulator for Ragnarok Online. Here's the applicable part of the TOS: Warez: Includes pirated software, ROMS, emulators, phreaking, hacking, password cracking, IP spoofing, etc... This also includes any sites which provide "links to" or "how to"...
  13. Livewire


    No, according to the reason it suspended you for uploading a phishing page. It doesn't say anything about suspending you because of 777 perms. Phishing is covered under the x10hosting Zero Tolerance policy and leaves you permanently suspended pending termination with no access to any backups...
  14. Livewire

    Ugliest console - 6th and 7th generation

    Onlive, and XBox (mostly due to knowing how big it is). If it wasn't that I know the size of the XBox, I'd say Gamecube, but honestly the Gamecube's kinda cute cause it's not so forkin huge :) If Onlive wasn't a choice, I'd vote PS3 though. It looks kinda like a grill to me, like I can lift...
  15. Livewire


    I see what he's saying about dropbox and it's a clever idea, however that is not something we at x10hosting can impliment - that's a cpanel feature. Not that we'd have it enabled anyways; that'd put a heavy load on the server to have a few people sending stuff to dropbox enmasse so it's likely...
  16. Livewire


    For uploading illegal software. This is a zero tolerance suspension and you've been permanently suspended pending termination for it.
  17. Livewire unsuspended

    Or at least it -was- working fine until I found that illegal link to Recover My Files 4.4.8 Build 578. Should've been obvious it was illegal to you too - "Links: crack inside." Legal apps don't need cracks to run. This is a zero tolerance suspension and you will no longer have access to your...
  18. Livewire

    Why was my thread deleted?

    The initial one you worded was a combination of flamebait and advertisement of a rival webhosting service. There was no constructive criticism within it and that's likely why it got deleted.
  19. Livewire

    Why was my thread deleted? It's a cPanel thing.
  20. Livewire

    My Free Hosting is suspended

    I'm unable to unsuspend as I found the file, and I'm HIGHLY concerned about why in the name of anything sacred you wouldn't recheck the files before uploading them. There were completely unsecured credit card numbers. Public credit card numbers. Likely stolen, but that doesn't change the fact...