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  1. Livewire

    Improve Free Hosting

    Re: Power Abuse on IRC When was the last time you idented to your nickname? I know they auto-drop if you haven't identified to it in 21 days
  2. Livewire

    Requesting Help, And topic was closed. Internal Server error

    What's in the .htaccess file exactly? The error logs are 404's for favicons (this is normal and wouldn't cause a 500 error), then a 500 error. Something's broke for sure but the error log doesn't indicate what exactly is.
  3. Livewire

    Illegal Embeded Mateiral Based Website... Rule Techie??

    Generally speaking, at least in the case of Warez, if you link to it, you're responsible. I'm not sure that covers embedded videos, so I'd hang tight for a second opinion on that one. That said, if it does come down to a Copyright Infringement suspension, it'd be zero-tolerance no opportunity...
  4. Livewire

    IP Address of MySQL host

    That's one of the icons we can't disable or it'dve been removed - it's a good question though. X10's probably asked cpanel several times why we can't disable it :) The issue oddly enough isn't actually the cPanel though; x10's firewall won't allow the external connection.
  5. Livewire

    A couple VPS questions

    Coo, that helps :)
  6. Livewire

    A couple VPS questions

    Gotta ask then, why's it in the AUP as being disallowed? XD
  7. Livewire

    E-Mails not working! POP3/SMTP

    mail() is knowingly disabled; there was a status update for it posted way back on march 20th. This isn't about mail though, it's about issues with smtp, of which I'm not sure what's causing the troubles.
  8. Livewire

    My Web site redirected to x10hosting home page

    If you're on windows, go to start>run, and run the command "ipconfig /flushdns" If you're on linux, not a clue how to do it. It's loading fine here though; a user on IRC had a similar issue about 20 minutes ago and flushing their browsers cache and the DNS cache solved the issue.
  9. Livewire

    Cant open my index php file

    Fix'd Boru so php is back to normal. Congrats on the Zero-Tolerance suspension for iStealer as well; that's certainly one way to celebrate the server move :) EDIT: Forgot to mention it was Corey who fixed Boru, just so there's no confusion.
  10. Livewire


    2 things: 1, I see now why the dropdown isn't working. You are assuming javascript is enabled, which on my browser it was blocked. 2, you don't have a <, you have &lt; which is the html character code for a <, but it will not actually process like a <. You need to replace the &lt; with an...
  11. Livewire


    As Decalzo pointed out, -where- is the page with the error? Direct link ONLY. I cannot get to where you say it is - you say it's in Timetable under Radio. I click radio, I get a "LOOKS like you click on something by mistake please go back or to a submenu to get the most out of your...
  12. Livewire


    Linux-HA looks like it needs to be installed; wouldn't work on x10. DynDNS is probably the only one that'd work on x10, assuming it doesn't require -any- work at all on x10's side. If it does, it probably won't work there either. DynDNS isn't 100% foolproof though because some systems will...
  13. Livewire

    A couple VPS questions You wanna check that too, toyo missed it in his original post. There is stuff in there about adult material; it looks like it's disallowed on x10, whether it's free, paid, or vps. I might be wrong though; I can't remember if the AUP applies to everything or not...
  14. Livewire

    Running programs as an administrator

    Got me fully stumped then; usually for me re-downloading it as a new filename fixes the issue if the antivirus isn't running to begin with :S
  15. Livewire

    Running programs as an administrator

    Had a similar issue with avg; it seemed like AVG was doing something either to the file or to the OS to mark it as a virus so the os wouldn't even boot it anymore. The only advice I can give is to try re-downloading the trainer with AVG offline if you're 100% sure it's not a viral trainer, then...
  16. Livewire

    Running programs as an administrator

    Is it possible an antivirus is blocking said trainer? I know that Avast gives a popup when it's blocking, but if it's already shown the popup it'll just block it without giving a popup, and you'll get the same error.
  17. Livewire

    Xbox 3 Ring after Kit

    Your best real hope right now is contacting either the maker of the kit (which I doubt will work) or microsoft. The issue with the latter is now that you've attempted to fix it yourself, the warranty for the RROD would be null and void. There's stuff in there about a microsoft service...
  18. Livewire


    The new forum look should be permanent; the old theme was actually the vb4 default. The server move is also temporary; once it's done it should be the only move for a while. As for the pink suspension box, it's a known bug -it's happening both to users who've never been suspended, and on...
  19. Livewire

    Sites on different than English languages Effective for December 1st 2009, Google Translate and other automatic-translation services were blocked because they rarely translate properly, and in quite a few cases I remember seeing did not function properly (such as...
  20. Livewire

    Site is not online

    It's in the works - the last post in the Upgrades etc thread was by Corey who said there would be a new update on the status posted tonight sometime.