Search results

  1. taha116

    Count to 1 Million

    2407 wasted posts
  2. taha116

    Count to 1 Million

    2404 offspring from 1 man would be insane XD
  3. taha116

    Count to 1 Million

    2398 idiots around me XD o am i allowed 2 say that? som1 let me know b4 i get an offical warning or somthing please O.O
  4. taha116

    new member

    k well if your lucky it could be prosses within minutes, if not then check back in a couple hours or next day. Thats what i would do. For you go to thier site, register nd then u click set up domain from their site nd use the nameservers options , in the two fields enter...
  5. taha116

    Count to 1 Million

    2396 rice in a plate XD
  6. taha116

    Hello Ppl !!

    Hiyaa nd welcomee to X10 Let me know if theres anything I can do for you
  7. taha116

    Personal Blog- Link Exchange

    It did not let me PM you but thats ok. My website is Id love to place a link on my site for you. Also please let me know if you need any help with your website because I would love to do any backend work or help you try something new with your site so that I can start up with some...
  8. taha116

    Review Word Press Theme site!

    its a nice design and evrything actually however the problem i have with it is that its too wide.. although people use higher resolutions nd monitors im sure alot of people will not get the same view of your site that you do becoz it wont fit on the screen. Also if the windows r too small then...
  9. taha116

    XAMPP I want 2 make a server out of my home computer

    hey i thot i replied 2 this already.. starange.. Anyways thanks Im intrested in learning how 2 use Gmail for this tho But im preaty sure there was a mailserver that came with it : Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32
  10. taha116

    Take a screenshot of a client browser

    Well to be honest im really not sure, I know that prnt screen takes a screenshot of your own screen and alt + prnt screen takes a screenshot of the selected window. Thats all i really know I am not sure how to make what u want possible although i am sure that it is. Maybe u shld offer a...
  11. taha116


    if u cant solve this urself im preaty sure i can do it for u if ur willing 2 mail me the file ( excpt the pass i supose unless u feel safe sharing it ) A screenshot of ur mysql database page in cpanel and users wld help also so that I know exactly what to put cuz i know when i first started out...
  12. taha116

    Take a screenshot of a client browser

    wait, u want your site 2 take a screenshot of the browser window of your visiotors?
  13. taha116

    XAMPP I want 2 make a server out of my home computer

    So im sure there are people who recognize XAMPP apachime mysql php blablabla nd the X is eithr W, L etc windows linux So basicaly, I used it b4 to turn my comp into a server and that all works great. I have 3 minor problems that i wanted 2 know if any1 can help me with. 1. Security, i...
  14. taha116

    Need administrator to run inactive MMORPG game.

    hmm i am willing to give it a shot pm more detials please
  15. taha116

    ummm yes this is wierd

    SOoo ive decided to just do things openly from now on. My idea is that I want to make a site thats open to donations from people who are thankful to the cheap website help nd setup solutions i want to provide. ill be charging very little and leave myself open to donations and the sites going to...
  16. taha116

    Offering Assitance for Small Cash

    Soo there are are always new people who want help with the sites they want to setup and are often very lost, I want to offer assistance to people for a small fee. I can do various tasks but basically I am offering a full setup of your site for you, with the design of your choice, script of your...
  17. taha116

    Need administrator to run inactive MMORPG game.

    I can help, ive actually used that game script before, but very breifly only to test if it was legit and worked.
  18. taha116

    my problemzz

    the problem with acount panel seems gone now so im preaty much set. Thanks Bro for the help :)
  19. taha116

    my problemzz

    1. i dnt have the domain anymore so i cant even make a subdumain 4 it 2. Worked Awesomely thanks :) 3. my internet still seems to be partly fudged so its not loading but i believe im on stoli so the problem must be something else. I think its my internet...
  20. taha116

    my problemzz

    After seemingly resolving my ISP issues, I have finaly gotten to use x10 again, I wanted to start a fresh site and all but right now after removing almost evrything I have some minor issues. 1. I am left with an email account i cannot remove because when i attempt 2 remove it it says it...