Search results

  1. 3

    Links exchange

    well i want to start in this thread link exchange in ring for 2 month site1>site2>site3>site1>.... req.: 1. honestly (dont remove link for all period or hide link ) 2. site must be with legal content 3. site must already crawled ()by google 3. place link on mostly pages (better on Indexed...
  2. 3

    Unprofessianal service !!!

    i am using alot sites for traffic exchange (for promote my linkexchange page) and i want to tell you about one Unprofessional service !!! Its Unprofessional service They didnt add my page they Agreement here...
  3. 3

    [req]Flash Intro (1600points)

    well, I reUp & redesigned my site and now i am looking flash intro on entrance page (~400x400px) something about animated sky, space, eve online theme, deep blue -red with my flying texts ------- i will pay 1600 points for liked me ready .fla :)
  4. 3

    [REQ]Post Icons Pack for VBulletin

    i wantto replace post icons from standart some more better need icons: Post Thumbs up Thumbs down Wink Unhappy Angry Smile Cool Question Exclamation Arrow Music Video Lightbulb ------------------------- size 16x16, bg - transparent -------------------------------- 1 icon - 30 x10poins...
  5. 3

    Website design

    i ll need pretty website template (html base + psd) theme: EVE Online width: 700px height: auto header: logo+banner space(468 x 60) h-navigation: via css ... not dhtml mainbody: 3 columns (in left column - v-css-navigation; right - hide if will empty) footer: another h-navigation...
  6. 3

    welcome to test x10 top 100 ) ------------------------------- ) need you tests
  7. 3

    You small help

    Send this address all those guys and make one click. It relaunch the site. This can really help kids. Unicef entered into a contract with Icq-corporation. Sending this message at least 10 people from your list (including me), would Unicef 5Euro in "Children in...
  8. 3

    [REQ] 50 points for info

    i am looking 1. full info about multi forum scrits for smf (for creating forums hosting) - 50 points [i am lazy to use google ;)] 2. (mostly for mens who know chine lang ) resources with templates for MolyX 2.6.1 i will privide 50 points for one resurce with min. 3 templates (so more...
  9. 3

    web mail

    someone collided with installation and using webmail? now i am use roundcubemail ( ) but also there is HiveMail what is better? or you know another better roundcubemail (not sqirrel and horde)
  10. 3

    [REQ]Translate 65 strings

    I planning to expand a site( to make it multilang. Require to translate (in attached file) from english to following languages: French German Spanish (done) Arabian (done) Chinese --------------- 1 lang. - 100 points --------------- Pm me who will make it (possible 1...
  11. 3

    Welcome(banner exchange)

    Today i create service - banner exchange Welcome to promote you sites or you adv. ratio 1:1
  12. 3

    Forums Cookie Domain

    Pls set Cookie Domain in VB options (for 1 login to & & thx PS or set mod_rewrite :) its more carefull
  13. 3

    About ranking

    what rankinking is more important for your site? for russians are: Google PR and yandex rank
  14. 3

    [REQ]Get 300 x10 points for signup

    Signup here (this is affiliate programm for webmasters) pm me signup username & i ll pay you 300 points after aproving
  15. 3

    [REQ] Some help (for USA resident)

    Need help to open verified paypal account without bank transfer (on my e-mail) ------------- i ll need full internet paypal service but there are so much limits for my country ------------- i am offering all my x10 points + 12 month paid hosting
  16. 3

    [OFF] 100 points TUFAT affiliate - 300 x10 points

    ~100 points TUFAT affiliate = 300 x10 points i was posted ealier offering about fake hits by this way i can generate tufat points to you :) it was checked on my affiliate tufat account :)
  17. 3

    Rate my index page

    Rate my index page i am going to paid hosting i still stay here during moving my forum&some pages: to Great thanks to Corey and ALL who make this service online TNX !!! PS i am serching investors(only UK&US residents) for creating internet money...
  18. 3

    [OFF] CNStats

    here about CNStats demo I will purchasing the CNStats license for you (info about pricing owned license for nonresidents price is over 90 usd for russians - 35 usd) --------------------------------------------------- my bonus -5 usd...
  19. 3


    mod_gzip or mod_deflate enabled on server ? need it for bb options :)
  20. 3

    Problem cpanel

    from yesterday text (under icons&simple text as logout) not shown in cPanel..i was trying change lang&codepage (FF1.0.7;IE6&Opera9)- no result help..whats problem?