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  1. L

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban alexandgruntz for not using any smilies :)
  2. L

    any good free firewall?

    This pretty much describes your situation. If you feel you need more of a firewall than that, i suggest you get a router with port forwarding and a hardware firewall to add extra security. Linksys routers work great and offer good protection.
  3. L

    Count to 1 Million

    1180 , the year Philip II became king of France
  4. L

    What do you think?

    The topic of gay marriage is a strong one, but it has good reasons on it's side. Freedom to choose what you want to do with your life is always desired by people and gay marriage is just another freedom. It has nothing to do with religion, so religion should just STFU or GTFO. It's just like...
  5. L

    What do you hate?

    One of the biggest things that really grinds my gears is when people use the word "like" every other word. It makes them sound dumb. an example of this would be "I, like, went to the mall, but, like, didn't buy anything because, like I didn't have any money."
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    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99934 green bottles sitting on a wall 99934 green bottles sitting on a wall And if 1 green bottle was to accidently fall There'd be 99933 green bottles sitting on the wall
  7. L

    Python randomness

    I am currently working on a python script to generate random dice rolls of two dice. It simulates 100 dice rolls and then takes the average or die1 die2 and the sum of the dice. It then outputs the results to a file in a "numbers" folder for 100 files. My problem is that each of the dies have a...
  8. L

    Php includes

    No URL based access? I know this code used to work on your servers, when did you implement that change? Anyways I will change every single include to local-type in the mean time. Thanks, ~Like2
  9. L

    Php includes

    No on has answered my last question: and Thank you, ~like2
  10. L

    Php includes

    Ok, I have almost figured this out I need to know what "* is an URL that is not allowed *" means I found this in my error log. Thanks ~Like2 EDIT: My Php version shows up as intermediate. Could having the Basic configuration effect includes ability to work?
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    Where do you redeem rewards? I feel like an idiot, but I can't find the link anywhere. Back before Corey changed the layout I could find anything even if it men 50 miles through the snow! *feels old* Thanks, ~Like2
  12. L

    Php includes

    Please translate this stuff This is what appears every time the page is loaded
  13. L

    Php includes

    That still doesn't explain why my site is now white with no background, none-the-less I will fallow your instructions and report back. Edit: That didn't help, Any more advice?
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    Php includes

    My main pages has this php: <?php include(""); include(""); include(""); ?>The page code...
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    Chrome launched by Google

    I would have to point out that although Chrome is really cool, it jut doesn't have all of the features that Firefox has or can be added on. This is one of it's main cons.
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    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban you because thats too early
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    Count to 1 Million

  18. L

    Count to 1 Million

    4chan style
  19. L

    Traffic For My Website.

    To get more traffic to a blog/news/article type of site, leave relevant comments on other blog/news/article sites with links back to an article that you wrote on the same topic. People will generally follow it and read your article as well.
  20. L

    Pay2play VS Free2Play ?

    Pay to play will always have the best game quality. Since the players actually have to pay to play the game it reduces the chance that there will be spammers, cheaters, and other people the only play to ruin your experience. Have any of you seriously tried to play on a Crysis server for...