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  1. S

    Gmail Goggles saves the day....

    good find tittat.
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    PHP problem

    If you have posted the error along with the post, then it would have been easier to find a solution.
  3. S help

    Closing the thread as requested.
  4. S

    free templates web

    Good find.
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    VB forum help

    /****Moved to Scripts/Third party applications****/
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    I like the logo part and the cloud moving over the caption. But you could make the caption little more prominent. And even i am getting empty page. About forum, i am getting a mysql error.
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    Check out x360 Blog!

    As somebody said, remove the default ads and put on your ads. I liked the design. And its good to navigate. And create a logo/header for the site.
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    [off][2000 credits]Selling domains for points

    After setting up the domain for 2000 credits, will you renew it after one year.
  9. S

    Date/Calendar functions and parameterized queries help needed.

    Please post the error message to check what could be the problem
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    Help needed in integrating my site with PHPBB3

    its the default page of phpbb3 saying you have successfully logged into the site. i want to avoid this from appearing.
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    [OFFER][Free] Put link into my site

    Can you tell me in which site are you putting the above links?
  12. S

    Please decide..

    As everybody said, the first one with the theme of the second one.
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    Help needed in integrating my site with PHPBB3

    Thank you for you information. I was successfull in integrating the authentication system with my site. but the transition to the profile page take a little time since another phpbb pages comes in between both the login page and profile page, i want to elliminate that. It would be helpful, if...
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    [OFFER][Free] Put link into my site>Next generation social networking. Its still under construction.
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    Help needed in integrating my site with PHPBB3

    I am not using any cms, i am designing the entire site by myself.
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    Help needed in integrating my site with PHPBB3

    I have installed the phpbb3 forum script. And i want my site to use the tables of phpbb3 for user authentication and information storage, registration etc. I have heard about phpbb3 bridges for cms scripts. But i need one for my site. I was successful in using the user authentication of...
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    Strife. (Amazing Graphic.)

    good job, nice graphics. Even i liked way the stipes were designed.
  18. S

    iPhone Giveaway

    The contest seems to be promissing. all the very best for the contest to go well. Since i am also a software geek, i will constantly browse your site for mobile software. Even my friend is a mobile geek. He used to download various softwares for mobile, i will sent a link to him.
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    Student - tafe designs

    Moved to review my site section.
  20. S help

    For getting your favicon to display, design one for your site and put it in the appropriate directory. Since you did not put one, its showing the default on.