Search results

  1. S

    Free custom graphics @ ExchangeCore

    Good, i was looking for some templates, designs for my new site.
  2. S

    [1,500 credits] PHP BB style/template

    Try this link. It has got good templates
  3. S

    about Co.Cc

    Even i realy on it very much. Good service.
  4. S

    nifty server check.

    good job. Its good for easy reference.
  5. S

    New Site. Any advice or feedback?

    good home page and good design. Like the white background in your second page very much. will fetch a decent 8/10
  6. S

    All new iMusicz!

    Yes the site is simple and professional. Good job
  7. S

    Yahoo publisher Beta!

    will have to try it. And thanks for finding it out.
  8. S


    You can use our referral system so that you can get in your friends also. The link is available on the left hand menu. or
  9. S

    how do I install wordpress?

    You have to install your site to public_html folder. This is the root folder
  10. S - Beta Released

    Nice site, but couldnt check the thing you said because i am not using my personal system. I will check it up tomorrow and post about it.
  11. S

    Some Important Laws

    I received this in my mail long time back and kept it as a collection. Today when i just went through it, i thought of posting it here and hence i posted it here.
  12. S

    phpMyAdmin and Blobs

    What is the error its showing?
  13. S

    How do you embed a .jar?

    Are you giving this jar file for download? or want to use in the site? if you want to use it in your site as a component, then you can try with applet. That is the option left.
  14. S

    Javascript innerHTML help

    just change the order and try like this <div id="text"></div> <a href="javascript: document.getElementById("text").innerHMTL = 'Hi';">View</a>
  15. S

    Some Important Laws

    Some Important Laws LAW OF QUEUE : If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now. ********** LAW OF TELEPHONE : When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one. ********** LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR : After your hands...
  16. S

    3 way link exchange

    Where are the site that you propose to put up the links?
  17. S

    wordpress theme

    can you just show a screen shot how it looks now.
  18. S

    wordpress theme

    just comment the following line // Draw a new color thing for ( $i = 0; $i < $h; $i++ ) { $x1 = 20; $x2 = 739; $r = ( $r2 - $r1 != 0 ) ? $r1 + ( $r2 - $r1 ) * ( $i / $h ) : $r1; $g = ( $g2 - $g1 != 0 ) ? $g1 + ( $g2 - $g1 ) * ( $i / $h ) : $g1; $b = ( $b2 - $b1 != 0 )...
  19. S

    Have you Ever known this or tried this

    MAGIC #1 Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON". This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. .. At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened! TRY IT NOW, IT WILL NOT CREATE "CON" FOLDER MAGIC #2 This is something pretty cool and...
  20. S

    Many more happy returns of the day.

    Many more happy returns of the day.