Search results

  1. S

    Amazing 51 Facts

    wow.. nice inputs coming in. The 51 facts which i have posted was not verified by me. It was a forwarded mail. And thanks for all who looked into google to find which is true.
  2. S

    PLz TEl ME HOst Name

    yes the host name is localhost.
  3. S

    How to delete multiple MySQL rows...?

    do you want to randomly delete the rows? and how much rows you want to delete. Sorry i cant understand your question.
  4. S

    2 "virginia techs" in 1 year in Finland

    That is a sad thing to happen. I hate such guys.
  5. S

    How Google Works

    sorry guys, i thought the image got uploaded, but it just pasted as a link here. No i have uploaded the file. have a look at it.
  6. S


    You did not upload the images to their respective folders.
  7. S

    Wedding In SQL

    Wedding Query........ (SQL Server Stored Procedure Style) CREATE PROCEDURE YourMarriage @ BrideGroom Char(NotBad) , @ Bride Char(Good) AS BEGIN SELECT Bride FROM india_Brides WHERE FatherInLaw = 'Millionaire' AND CarCount > 2 AND HouseStatus ='TwoStoreyed' AND BrideEduStatus='PG...
  8. S

    Amazing 51 Facts

    Amazing 51 Facts (contd) 26.Astronauts cannot burp in space. 27.The snowiest city in the U.S.A. is blue canyon, California Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks. 28.Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand. 29.The great warrior Genghis...
  9. S

    Amazing 51 Facts

    1.People who ride on roller coaters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain. 2.Black bears are not always black they can be brown, cinnamon, yellow and sometimes white. 3.People with blue eyes see better in dark. 4.Each year 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise...
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    I need a simple encryption algorithm

    Congrats... There are lot of methods for encryption and decryptions. We have to choose the one which is afforable and the needed for our web application.
  11. S

    How Google Works

    The picture explains the process.
  12. S

    Areo Theme

    Try some of the links below.
  13. S

    How to identify STROKE and save life.

    i often receive this mail as a forward. I not sure whether it works or not. But why take chances. If one is saved from stroke, his family will be happy.
  14. S

    Please review my site

    lot of empty spaces here and there. Avoid that.
  15. S

    Serenity Labs

    Both the designs are good. As for the blog, i would suggest you to increase the page width since there are lot of empty spaces on the left and right column. Its ok for a monitor with 800x600 resolution. But now people are having atleast 1024X768 resolution. As for the Main page, i agree...
  16. S

    Possibility of replying to text messages sent from mobile using the portal

    Any handset with datacable can be used. But i recomend to use any nokia handset.
  17. S

    web switcher

    design the 5 different versions of you site. in the index page of your site use a rnd function in php and determine which version to use and redirect to that version.
  18. S

    How to install php-nuke theme.

    Try this link.
  19. S

    LogMeIn - Hamachi

    A Good software for online gamers.
  20. S

    Great Site for Learning HTML, et. al

    Yes indeed the w3c site is a one place you can find all the tutorials and standards regarding any thing on the web.