Search results

  1. S

    New custom theme for my blog

    No i dont have any ad blocker or script blocker installed. I used ie6
  2. S

    Web/Graphic Design

    All the three designs were good and professional and all of them matched the theme. You could have used some other fonts for the DJ names. Those doesnot look nice.
  3. S

    To change url displayed in browser without navigating away

    You can use the javascript for that. just google for setting the browser url.
  4. S

    Get a free sig on my website!

    I am using ie6..
  5. S

    How to identify STROKE and save life.

    A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE...
  6. S

    winrar password

    Its difficult to reterive the lost password in case on winrar. Even the author doesnot know the way to do that. But you can try some softwares to crack it (but it will take more time and its not 100% true that they can get your lot password)
  7. S

    Template for sale!

    You mean you are going to sell your current site template? is it that you are going to give the entire coded site or just the psd file of it. if its psd only, please show a preview may be atleast a thumbnail size.
  8. S

    Unexpected error when trying to make MySQL connection

    He meant, the firewall in our database servers. You cannot connect remotely to the database servers.
  9. S

    Possibility of replying to text messages sent from mobile using the portal

    I would like to add up on the message that crisp gave you about hooking up a standard handset to you server. You can use dotnet or any other language to code using the api's to connect to the handset. but you must be careful in the number of characters you send using an sms. it all depends...
  10. S

    Get a free sig on my website!

    I cant open your site. Its asking me to download the source file. Please correct it.
  11. S


    I liked the way you have created the menus. i meant the home etc.. the other menu was also fine. But the stripes that you used near the menu is not appelaing line, it seems to be more thick. You can reduce its thickness and make them more elagent. good job
  12. S

    Need suggestions from experts like you.

    Thanks for the ideas.. i am noting these ideas down, i liked your suggestion... More are welcomed.
  13. S

    Any suggestions on how to improve my site?

    change your header first. and I felt the boxes are not closing at the bottom. May be its because of the template/theme
  14. S

    check out my page

    good and professional design. I liked the design a lot. Good choose of background, header, fonts, good use of tables. will fetch a decent 8/10.
  15. S

    Review my blog

    Good blog. Greate theme from word press and good contents.
  16. S

    Take a look at these sites

    good designs.. You have worked a lot in the facelift of these sites.
  17. S

    Comments please.

    sorry, i didnt like both. they were so simple to be used for such sites.
  18. S

    Comments please.

    sorry, i didnt like both. they were so simple to be used for such sites.
  19. S

    I need a simple encryption algorithm

    If you want a simple one, then this can be used. consider if your word is hello i will take 4 as the key, no shift it.. It becomes lipps ie h->l, e->i,l->p,o->s 4th alphabet after the current one. This is the simplest of all.
  20. S

    Unexpected error when trying to make MySQL connection

    did you give previlages to the above user to use that particular database? The problem could be that also.