Search results

  1. swirly

    [REQ][20 credits]: Sign up at

    I hope this isn't hosted on X10. I don't know if the rules have changed, but last time I checked, uploading was not allowed.
  2. swirly

    Absolut Transfer

    Sorry Daniel, I thought you meant me I apologize. And thank you Corey.
  3. swirly

    Absolut Transfer

    That wasn't a support request. I simply asked if the server transfer was done. And I would log in to my cpanel to check IP addresses if my account was working at all which I stated that it wasn't working at all. I read the post I know about checking IP's.
  4. swirly

    Absolut Transfer

    My site is not working at all. Is the transfer done? Cpanel username:swirly
  5. swirly

    [REQ][800 credits] Name for File Host!,
  6. swirly

    [Req] Template

    I have found some and thats why mines screwed up. They are also ones that everyone else has. Thats why I want a custom one.
  7. swirly

    Worlds Worst Games (On Any Console)

    Apex for the 360 sucks. Its horrible.
  8. swirly

    [off][all my credits]free raffle

    Enter me then :)
  9. swirly

    [Req] Template

    It was there for all of 45 minutes, it deleted itself apparently or something. The one I have now is not bad, but it has its faults. Like its not cross browser compatible and the area messes up if I don't have a full line of text entered.
  10. swirly

    Templates gratis : sitios

    el primer link no trabaja...el segundo link costamos dinero. pero, muchas gracis para tercero link. :)
  11. swirly

    [Req] Template

    Well I had one but the CSS file is messed up right now. I don't know what happened. You can look at it if you want. I don't know how exactly to describe it. I mean I'm not looking for like a specific layout or anything. I like this one...
  12. swirly

    [Req] Template

    I am in need of a template. I'm trying to start a business for computer repair, so it needs to look pretty professional. I'm looking for kind of futuristic, blues, greens, and blacks. I'd like it easily customizable and fully coded. I'd like a preview before you complete the whole thing as to...
  13. swirly

    Visual Basic... OOP!!

    Whats the big deal. What language you prefer is all a matter or preference and opinion, or at least what your boss wants you to use. I mean its not that big of a deal. Making a language easier to use just means that its easier for others to get into programming and allows a wider variety of...
  14. swirly

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    Dang, I've been gone too long. Coreys done gone off and got married. Lordy.
  15. swirly

    [REQ]Template needed

    Sorry, just realized you had to scroll down, thats rather annoying, but is a good one too.
  16. swirly

    [REQ]Template needed

    My url is I forgot to include it sorry. I would need it sliced and coded though. I don't have the time or really the know how to do so. And if you work together I would increase the credits a fair amount so you both recieve fair pay.
  17. swirly

    [REQ]Template needed

    I'm in need of a template for my website. I have one now but it's not comaptible with every browser, and it has some other problems. I sort of like the one I have now, but I would like it a little more professional and techy looking. I would also like a logo to go with it. I like blues, blacks...
  18. swirly

    por que me han suspendido la cuenta?

    mi espanol es mal, pero debe haber una cosa en tu página donde mecanografías adentro tu nombre para ver porqué se suspende, y tuve que utilizar un traductor para este lol. apoligizio si este es malo gramatica.
  19. swirly

    Please decide..

    If you go with PHP Fusion, be careful I had my site hacked twice using that.
  20. swirly

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    Look for some freeware. There are things like Nvu, and komodo I believe its called that can accelerate coding. I've never typed from scratch. Copy and paste are great tools.