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  1. techairlines

    Any body can tell me any other website like

    My favorite is because .tk domains are free and are top level domains. Others include and If your CO.CC domain was for personal use, you can easily renew it for free from the control panel.
  2. techairlines

    Unsuspend Account

    Sorry, phishing is a Zero Tolerance violation of our Terms of Service. Phishing means the site tried to pretend to be another site to trick users to think that its the legitimate site, often to steal personal information. We cannot unsuspend your account.
  3. techairlines

    Suspended Account

    Your site says Suspended but your account is not suspended. I'll escalate this thread so an AM can help fix this for you. Click the yellow bar at the top to view the support ticket or go to
  4. techairlines

    why google is not indexing my backlinks?

    Are your backlinks holding the NoFollow attribute? I don't know about Google but I know Yahoo! Backlinks counts nofollow links also. Also, Google might not index at the same speed as Yahoo! The sites you have links from might have a slow index rate at Google. Make sure your backlinks if they...
  5. techairlines

    domain will be online

    Your site seems to work just fine right now. It has a blank Coming Soon page. Is this what you want to show?
  6. techairlines

    Hey all....

    Hey there and welcome to x10hosting!! :)
  7. techairlines


    Login at or Login info can be found at
  8. techairlines

    messed up DNS Zone Records

    To reset DNS, simply go to Advanced DNS Zone Editor, choose a domain, and click on Reset Zone File.
  9. techairlines

    High CPU/process usage problem?

    It's quite difficult to figure out for sure so the only way is to disable every plugin and enable them one by one to see if it triggers a suspension. My guess is that it might be GD Star Rating due to the extreme complexity of that plugin. It has thousands of lines of code. If possible, try...
  10. techairlines


    I have unsuspended your account. Please try to check what might be causing high resource suspension, such as caching plugins. If you need more CPU/RAM power (double) as well as receive several other benefits, check out Prime Membership
  11. techairlines

    Website Speed

    What mods/plugins are you running with your SMF installation? Some plugins are known to cause problems.
  12. techairlines


    Make sure you login here at the forums first before you unsuspend yourself. Even if you unsuspend yourself, the system still would think you are inactive because you didn't login to the forums. Logins to Account Panel and cPanel don't count. If you don't want to login to the forums every...
  13. techairlines

    Problem with domain name

    If you are using a x10 free sub-domain, then you don't need to worry about DNS or nameservers. Can you try to clarify your problem about "how to run the website"?
  14. techairlines

    Changed the domain name

    Did you register that domain? CO.CC is a third party service (not owned by x10hosting) and all domains need to registered at After registration, point the domain to these nameservers:
  15. techairlines

    Can i get UnSuspended,Please??????

    Your account is currently not suspended. It looks like you figured out how to unsuspend yourself. :) If you do not want to login here every month, you should consider Prime: which removes the login rule and adds many other benefits.
  16. techairlines

    Your Hosting Account is Suspended

    Done. Remember to login here at the forums once every 31 days. You can unsuspend yourself next time at If you don't want to login every month, you should consider Prime: which removes the login rule and adds several other perks.
  17. techairlines

    my hosting account is suspended

    Sorry, but unfortunately, you've been suspended for having nulled scripts on your account. This is illegal under copyright laws and is a zero tolerance violation of our Terms of Service. This is a permanent suspension.
  18. techairlines

    Accpunt Suspended

    Hmm your account isn't suspended but your site redirects to a suspended page. I'll escalate this issue to a Support Ticket so someone can fix this for you. You can view and follow the Ticket by clicking on the yellow bar at top or by signing onto the Account Panel at
  19. techairlines

    my .htaccess in public_hmtl/install/ directori is hiden

    When you first enter File Manager through cPanel, a small javascript pop-up window should appear. Make sure you check the box that says "Show hidden files (dot files)." It is NOT checked by default. .htaccess is a hidden dot file.
  20. techairlines

    account suspended

    I have unsuspended your account. Disable WP Super Cache. Caching plugins often cause a problem on our servers. Disable any other unnecessary plugin. WP Stats might also cause a problem, though start by disabling caching plugins. For stats, you can use Google Analytics...