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  1. techairlines

    The Ctrl+V game
  2. techairlines

    my account has suspended

    Phishing is a very serious issue meaning your website was trying to pretend to be another in order to steal personal info. Your URL is also quite suspicious. This is zero tolerance and is permanent. We cannot unsuspend your account. This was part of our TOS, which you agreed to upon signing...
  3. techairlines

    hostin suspended

    There is no hosting account linked to your current forum account. What is your cPanel username?
  4. techairlines

    permanent suspension

    Sorry, you're suspended for both file hosting and warez, both of which are strictly prohibited. This is zero tolerance and is permanent. We cannot unsuspend your account. This was part of our TOS, which you agreed to upon signing up.
  5. techairlines

    suspension account

    You have been permanently suspended for file hosting, which is strictly not allowed. Every file on your account must have to do with your website. This is zero tolerance and we cannot unsuspend your account.
  6. techairlines

    How to un-suspend my account?

    Looks like you figured it out. You aren't suspended right now. Be sure to login here at the forums once every 31 days.
  7. techairlines

    setting up of

    The easiest way is to select the first one (Name Server). Then enter these two: Afterwards, follow the instructions listed here: is a SLD, so functions just like a regular TLD.
  8. techairlines

    If I update.

    If you buy a premium service (, you can open a ticket in the client area and ask for your free hosting account to be moved to premium. If you mean prime membership (, it will just upgrade your free hosting account automatically. You...
  9. techairlines


    You need to login here at the forums once every 31 days. Logins to Account Panel and cPanel do not count.
  10. techairlines


    After you unsuspend yourself, make sure you login here at the forums to avoid being suspended again. Posting a forum thread from the Account Panel does not count. I see your last forum activity according to your profile was 09-30-2010 12:04 PM, which was more than a month ago. Even if you...
  11. techairlines


    I have unsuspended your account. Remember to login to these forums at least once every 31 days to prevent unactivity suspensions. Next time, you can unsuspend yourself from
  12. techairlines

    Domain Trouble

    That's sounds like a 404 error instead of a DNS or domain error. Are you sure you typed in the file name correctly? File names are case sensitive. I am able to view your addon domain fine.
  13. techairlines

    reactive acc

    Sorry, but we have a zero tolerance policy against warez, which is strictly prohibited according to our Terms of Service. This is a permanent suspension and therefore your account cannot be unsuspended.
  14. techairlines

    account delete request

    Your account is permanently suspended for having nulled scripts. It will automatically be deleted from the server in a few weeks. We do not expedite deletion of suspended accounts.
  15. techairlines

    [Help] MyBB

    The Easy Way Login to cPanel and visit Softaculous: MyBB is located under the FORUMS category. After selecting MyBB, click on the Install link. Follow the on screen instructions. Softaculous will handle everything...
  16. techairlines

    Free hosting package upgrade

    Done! Enjoy :)
  17. techairlines

    Account was Suspended

    Sorry, but these suspensions are permanent and falls under our Zero Tolerance Policy regardless of the purpose of it was. Proxies are explicitly prohibited according to our TOS which you agreed to when signing up.
  18. techairlines

    Domain again

    Your domain name,, works fine for me now. The home page says "Welcome to We Own Mods !" It appears to be an Invision Power Board forums. Clear your browser cache and DNS cache and try again. And one question, is your copy of IP.Board licensed and valid?
  19. techairlines

    my account is suspended

    First, do not post your password on a public forum. Second, nulled vBulletin is illegal and strictly against our Terms of Service, regardless of whether or not you were aware that vB is not free. Sorry, this is zero tolerance and a permanent suspension.
  20. techairlines

    Domain again

    Hello. If you just changed your domain, it can take up to 24-48 hours for the server to fully process the change. Account Panel says its done because your account on the server is updated, but the server host entries have not been completed yet. The Default Webpage shows if the main domain...