cant seem to access my site, uber uber slow load resulkting in time out, just read the news, are the servers beign changed now?
whats server load mean???
is x10 now putting up pop up ads in with the banners?
ive got a stupid little pop up ad right in the middle of my damn page, and the "x" to close it has no background so you cant see it
is this x10's doing witht he ads required or is it in a code i have from somthing else?
ok, takign slothies advice, i used the cpanels directory password protect function and made a test directory called "locked testing directory" with 1 file inside called "protected"
i made a new tets page easy to access which is with a basc html link that says "click"...
i want to make a memebrs section with passwords and usernames, which requires me to use apache, the site i was given in another thread by a members is
which helps, but i still dont fully udnerstand
i made an...
anyone got any ideas? does x10 let us change apache files or somthing i dunno how members areas work, but i want to password rptoect a directory so that any page access will ask for password and username but if moving from page to page it wont ask again and again untill you exit the directory...
hey guys, i need ideas for a members area on my website
my website is for a kayaking club so alot of stuff is public, but what could i put in a members area if i make one? people have asked me in the club how they log in, so they want a members area, but what do i put in it that the public have...
hey guys, i just need to know if you can all see the .swf banner i made for my website, ive put it on a non-linked page that i use to test things before i put them on the site
in the middle of the page there are 2 banners, one .gif and one .swf, just need to know if you can see both of them or...
simple, which is best? vote and explain
personally i started with the 360 being better, but now im more of a PS3 guy, sony just build their consoles better over all, sure its expensive, but does it over heat every 10 minutes?
hey guys, just like to get a quick opinion on my site if you dont mind giving it a look over
basically i made the site for my kayaking club, we needed one really to be found from the BCU website, they have a feature that lets you look fo clubs in your area yadda yadda and we needed one to be...
ok, i just transfered my domain to my website so now its all which is great, but now i dont know what my upload information will be, and ive tried a couple things to no avail
dreamwaver wants this information:
FTP Host
Host Directory
also the "testing server"...
ok, dispite my last post where i was being dramatic (sorry again) the new domain works, but the files (dispite being the same exactly) dont work, it isnt linking to the index.html
is it possible to use a user bought domain name for the whole website if its free hosting???
i recently bought the domain name for my site (because its easier than and i have it redirecting to my home page, is it posible to change the to...
i found a much easier way around it all that also saves space on your discs
googles Picasa2
1) it scans your computer and puts all the photos in order of how old they are and you basically grab the photos you want, and add them to a "new album"
2) fill the album with whatever photos you want to...
are we allowed to configure stuff in our PHP?
i cant upload pictures to coppermine or 4images and some people are telling me its because the memory limit is 2M (whatever that is) and it should be set to 8M, is there anyway i can change it to this?
ive got aloooot of photos that need an easy and free slideshow maker, anyone have any ideas? and if i need help would be willing to give me a basica idea on how to get started!
ibe got 77 pictures, and i want people to be able to download them as well
ive heard of ligth boxing but not quite...
ok, i know you guys dont support 4images, gallery or coppermine, but none of them work, gallery is stupidly hard to use, 4images has somthing wrong with it, and coppermine has rude admins on the forum so i cant get help from them
i just want a slideshow of my pics that i can either batch upload...