Search results

  1. NeonWarrior

    PHP V2, how to upgrade to

    yeah...the titale says it all, how do i upgrade to PHP V2 for fantastico to work?
  2. NeonWarrior

    x10 doesnt allow?

    does x10 not allow fantastico services??? i was hopign to use gallery but it wont let me, an eval error (whatveer that is) is stopping me, can we not use fantastco or things like that?
  3. NeonWarrior

    Public FTP

    if i remember correctly, a public ftp file means people can access it and download the files i put there right? but can they access it from their web browser? if so what would be the adress?
  4. NeonWarrior

    not a problem for once! just a question!

    well, heres the thing, my club president/chair man said i could use club funding for the website, which means i can get my own domain for it, but i dont want to leave, does x10 offer domains with charge? like an upgrade? i dont want to leave x10 because they have such good...
  5. NeonWarrior


    i just realised ive signed up for the ad-enhanced program, and i dont have any ads on my site, appologies corey i though the ads would be incorporated automatically, but now i understand if i dont have some up on my site soon then ill be suspended, but im wondering what you want us to advertise...
  6. NeonWarrior

    second domain?

    is it possible to have a second domain with a completely separate disk space? im asking because i want to put pictures on my site for my club and if they'res lots of them i might hit the limit, even though i think i chose the one with unlimited space i dunno :S
  7. NeonWarrior

    best console of your life?

    well? vote!
  8. NeonWarrior

    uploading pages problems

    ive managed to get dreamweaver working in a way that suits me well, and ive made a test page and ive uploaded using its FTP function, and ive set the page as my homepage BUT it says it isnt found, do i have to do anything like upload the page from the cp on here??? its giving me the 404 error...
  9. NeonWarrior

    more dreamweaver

    im not sure if this is in the right place so im sorry if it isnt but i need some help with dreamweaver again, id be grateful is someoen with experience or who uses it could help! ive got a template for 2 collumns and 2 rows and the lower left cell is split into 7 for a side menu and i want text...
  10. NeonWarrior

    newest problem!

    i successfully managed to connect to my webpage with the use of the post from Axe_Swipe's post in kraenz thread using the info he gave on what to connec to, and i successfully uploaded a basic page with a large table and 1 image to test, unfortunatly now when i enter the name of my site it just...
  11. NeonWarrior

    FTP directory and host

    im trying to use dreamweaver since corey said i was able to but i dont understand what the ftp directory is or the remote host im really sorry im new to all this and ive dived in at the deepend with little knowledge, i used dreamweaver along time ago but never actually hooked up a site!
  12. NeonWarrior


    i want to use dreamweaver to make my site which is why i chose x10 because it was FTP compatible, am i able to use dreamweaver??
  13. NeonWarrior

    linking accounts

    im not completely sure on what to do, sorry im new to this site, ive made both accounts, the x10 one and the forum one and do i really have to wait a few hours? it says my account doesnt exist which is confusing me!
  14. NeonWarrior

    hey guys

    hey there, im new to x10 and i was hoping you guys could help me get going, but i thought i better introduce myself first! im using x10 for my kayaking club which needs a website since the last webmaster gave up! so i was hoping i could do a better job but needed a free hosting site! now ive...