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  1. wolf99

    CPanel not there...

    HI I am still having this problem... however I tried it this morning from a pc on a differnet network and it worked, do am thinking maybe a firewall on this one, however, normally the firewall here announces itself when it blocks something... will try a proxy and let you know. Also I note...
  2. wolf99

    CPanel not there...

    Clicking on the "login to CPanel" button in the X10 hosting account panel gives error The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. in Chrome on XP....... will try access with FTP now, if I can...
  3. wolf99

    bad credits system

    Hi I do not understand how a user is to gather credits if they are not allowed to answer in forums like free support where other users are actually pro-actively looking for help... If I have the knowledge someone needs and it helps them it seems more likely that they would then give...
  4. wolf99

    starka down...

    Starka appears to be down. getting "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." Was alright up until around 1pm gmt today, tried it now at 4pm gmt and its dead I can login to the x10hosting panel but not CPanel or webmail. So far their has not...
  5. wolf99

    Starka is down. Quick summary.

    It appears that Starka is down. Webpages are displaying the message: "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." A couple of replies so far (apprx. 3pm GMT) state that it is being looked into, but no further indication of problems or likely fix time.
  6. wolf99

    free sites visitor privacy policy

    Hi descalzo, thanks for replying, Thats pretty much what Im talking about, I dont know much at all about server setup, but I assume visitors to my site would pass some firewalling / proxy etc and guessed there would be some kind of visitor logging, wondered if this included cookies for tracking...
  7. wolf99

    free sites visitor privacy policy

    Hi Apologies for the bumping. I thought this would be very easy for support to answer and quite different from the hundreds upon hundreds of people that get themselves suspended complaining, and yet no answer??
  8. wolf99

    free sites visitor privacy policy

    Hi Folks Was just checking my site against wcag 2.0 and started wondering about privacy policies. I have read the x10 user policy here but does the same policy hold for visitors to hosted sites? That is as my site is on your server and uses your connection, I...
  9. wolf99

    Starka: The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    Hi folks Am on starka ( and my index page takes ages to load, then shows: "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." It was OK last time I looked at it about 4 days ago, though I can log into cpanel OK... would this be...
  10. wolf99

    Your food is poisoned - must read

    Pigs can move pretty damn fast if they're hungry or pissed off!! Sad thing about scaling up on healthy/organic food production is that its just not economically viable in a lot of places. For example, lots of smaller to medium sized farmers in Ireland now are only gaining profit by government...
  11. wolf99

    Your food is poisoned - must read

    The drive for the perfect crop is actually a bad thing. no insects, less fertilization of plants GMO or non-GMO, no birds cos they eat insects. If any one group of people or organisation acheived the perfect crop can you imagine them sharing it for free?? In fact the very advantages the...
  12. wolf99

    The right to use weapons

    A quick conjecture on one of the points raised in an early post, being "when the government is afraid of the people that is liberty" A) I thought the whole idea of liberty, freedom, etc and all the other reasons american's keep invading other countries for was so that NOONE has to be afraid...
  13. wolf99

    Help with ETags and caching with PHP Includes

    Hi Misson Thanks for the info, very helpfull. have actually been working my slow little way through Mark's article, but some of it is still trickling over my head :redface:. I will read the other reccomendations also and let you know how I get on. Thanks again
  14. wolf99

    GZip enabled on starka?

    so basically, the answer is no, use PHP, yeah? can you tell me, is correct usage: <?php ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); ?> <html> <body> <p>This should be a compressed page.</p> </html> <body> thanks EDIT: how can this be applied in the case of non .phph files? for eg. font files for @font-face?
  15. wolf99

    GZip enabled on starka?

    Hi folks I have a free acc on starka, and amm wondering if gzip OR deflate is enabled? I have tried the htaccess code reccomended here: but according to the test at...
  16. wolf99

    Help with ETags and caching with PHP Includes

    Hi folks I am new to the business of fiddling wit http headers and wondered if someone could help me or give a few pointers on it. I am on free account and using .htaccess, have a few redirects for SEO freindly urls. Are ETags automatically generated or do I need to turn them on somehow...
  17. wolf99

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    Very unimpressed with Avira free version Ive been using, continuously opicking up ttrojans, which it detects but cannot identify and is not able to remove or quarantine effectively,, so itsw basically just software that sits in my tray and uses resources and bandwidth on updates....
  18. wolf99

    Favorite Operating System

    XP, easier to access admin/power user tasks, and I'm not a fan of the new Win7 verification process