Search results

  1. mikel2k3

    rate a corporate-ish layout

    Hey, Last night I made this design for somebody that sells Chloe handbags on eBay, and is wanting a website to look more professional etc. Anyway, he hasnt really given me any idea of colours, layout, styles so ive made this with no feedback from him. I have emailed it to him, but not had any...
  2. mikel2k3

    Dark redesign

    Once again ive made a design I hope to replace my current one with. The old ones I have decided not to use im still going to keep and give them to friends, lol. Anyway, the new one is a lot darker, and isnt fully finished yet, but i think it looks more proffessional than my current online...
  3. mikel2k3

    PHP text script

    Hey, Im just wondering if there is a script that will read the text from a normal .txt file, and then insert it somewhere on a normal .html page? Ive looked around for it and cant really find one. It seems like a simple thing, so if anybody could find/write one that would be rgeat. Thanks, Mike
  4. mikel2k3

    windows live - search problem

    Wasnt sure what to put as the title, but anyay. When viewing my website statistics with Awstats, i seem to be getting 5000+ unique hits from . I dont know why this is happening, and will it make any difference if i create a robots.txt file that will dissallow everything...
  5. mikel2k3

    new colourful design

    hey, just made this design last night, I was inspired by something, but then i forgot what it was so i created this. Some parts im not too happy with, but thats why im asking you all to tell me which bits are good, and which are bad etc. Aswell as rating the design, id like to know if it is...
  6. mikel2k3

    new website design... and slight problem

    hey, just uploaded this new design for my martial arts/tricking group. All views ok in Internet explorer, but i cant figure out that in FireFox, the left border line is slightly grey? Any idea's :/ Also, rate the design out of 10 if you can :-)
  7. mikel2k3

    Free Personal Website

    I regularly do websites for models and photographers, but my only internet access is at a public library, where they have just blocked MySpace. So now i cant check any messages or post the link anywhere on there to advertise my competition. So if anybody knows any photographers, models etc...
  8. mikel2k3


    Hi, I have decided to set up an advertisent system, for the peoples websites thaty I have done for free... So they must pay to remove them :-) So if there is anybody that would like an advertisement put into the banner rotation. Simply post it here with: Name: Link: Image Location...
  9. mikel2k3

    domain name forwarding... and stuff

    hey... ive recently bought some paid hosting with x10, and i have quite a lot of 'parked domain' spaces. What id like to know, is it possible for me to change the domain name: so that the address doesnt appear as when you goto...
  10. mikel2k3

    New website design!!!!!

    Hey all!! I have just created a new website design for My thoughts were, you dont really see many green coloured websites, as it is failry hard to get the colours to work well, but I think I did a pretty good job. Id like to know how it loads for you all and please let...
  11. mikel2k3

    .com addon domain confussion...

    Ive had a friend buy with godaddy... I have pointed the nameservers on there to and, i have also set up the addon properly in cpanel ( i think ) So now when i goto i get an apache message thing? Why has this...
  12. mikel2k3

    FTP not updating...

    Hey, My problem is that whenever i try and update any of the files i currently have on my site, via FTP. Everything seems to work ok, but when I goto the website to check if it is updates, nothing changes... I think i have recently been moved to...
  13. mikel2k3

    Selling online...

    Hi I have a couple of questions about selling things through a website. Firstly, what is the best way for me to sell downloads? Such as videos, images etc. Secondly, is it complicated to sell items. Such as calenders, posters, which would be posted to the buyer.
  14. mikel2k3

    robots.txt ??

    heya... How many of you contain a robots.txt file for your websites? And do i need it? i seem to be getting a lot of trhem visiting and im confused about it. I have no idea what to write in the .txt file so if anybody cvould tell me or help me out with that, it would be great. thanks, mike
  15. mikel2k3

    Free link on my site:

    hey all. Just to let you know, I may possibly be giving away free link space away on my site. BUT, I will only receive button links n the size of: 88 x 31 If your interested, simply leave your button link in this thread.
  16. mikel2k3

    Which design to use?

    Hey all, I finished and made the first page of a new design last night and I dont want to keep adding to it unless its better than my surrent design. So what I would like is for you to tell me which design you feel is better. CURRENT: LATEST...
  17. mikel2k3

    Be lovely and rate this site: firstly, nobody complain about the cheapness of me using a free domain. They used to be know as 'The Owlettes' but there old photographer and site manager gave up with it, so now im in charge-ish. Also, i know there arnt many images in the gallery yet, but...
  18. mikel2k3


    Hey, Just wondering if anybody else is having a problem with PcRiot? Once I type in the address that I want to goto, nothing happens. ALSO... If you anybody else knows some web proxy's, feel free to list them here :-)
  19. mikel2k3

    centering websites

    hello all, I know ive made two posts after each other, but... Meh, lol. I was just wondering, is there any way that I can center a website Vertically and Horizontally? Thanks, mike
  20. mikel2k3

    WhoIs information for my website...

    hey, I have just looked at the WhoIs information for my website and it is full of private information that I would rather random peopler from the internet wouldnt know. Such as home address, mobile phone number etc. How can i hide this? Surely there is a way for me to hide this without having...