Search results

  1. mikel2k3


    Hi Guys Having a small problem trying to get some scripts to work on my website. this is the script: Even after ive downloaded the files and uploaded everything, the samples wont work either. Im guessing im supposed to install mootools somehow but i cant...
  2. mikel2k3

    Gallery Search Script?

    Coppermine is a fully functional website gallery right? Im looking for something a little smaller that can easily be implemented into a current design and customized to my needs.
  3. mikel2k3

    Gallery Search Script?

    Hey Im looking for a gallery script that will allow a user to upload images to a directory and also add Tags to the image, kinda like Flickr. There must also be a way for the public to search the gallery for tags,then be given a result for what they find. And all this to be easily implemented...
  4. mikel2k3

    Protect a directory..?

    last time i tried that, you had to put a password in to view anything on the site. Such as, if you password protected an 'images' folder, no images would work on a website unless you knew the password. Chaning the permissions manually seems to of worked. Or like tonykgv said to just put an...
  5. mikel2k3

    Protect a directory..?

    Right, just a quick question that will probably have a quick answer. Looked on google, but thought I would get a more straight forward answer here. I want to stop direct access to a folder on one of my clients websites. But I still want the files to be accessed when given a direct link to...
  6. mikel2k3

    Purchasing script...

    Hey guys Just got a client that is wanting a page on his site where he can sell an album. It would be an actual item, so he would need to post it to them etc. Any advice on scripts that could be implemented into a current design? May accept paypal i think. Any advice? Cheers, - Mike
  7. mikel2k3

    Estate agent searching script

    Thanks for the replies... All ive been told is that its a new business really... so ill presume they will (or employ people) to take pictures of the properties etc. So everything would be there own. Is it a lot of work to set something like this up? And if so, how much should i roughly...
  8. mikel2k3

    Estate agent searching script

    Hi I have a client that is wanting a letting agent website. I have never done anything like this before, so the main thing begind the letting agent website is the search funtion on there. So i need a little help with the search function on there, that will allow anybody browsing the website...
  9. mikel2k3

    CSS Opacity & Text help

    Right, this may of been asked before, but ive been looking around and cant really find exactly what I need. So does anybody know of a way that I can make a background colour of a div box opaque, while keeping the text inside of it fully visible? At the moment, all my text and images inside...
  10. mikel2k3


    Right... While checking some of my statistics through awstats. I found a link to somewhere that didnt seeme right. And it turns out, somebody else has taken a site I have, got rid of my advert on there and hosted it himself for my client. I originally made the site for free, but as she kept...
  11. mikel2k3

    update with new design?!?!

    Hey, just finished a new design for my website, and before I replace my current design with it, I just wanted to know what you guys though? Here is my current one: Here is my update: I made the 'current' one before I went to...
  12. mikel2k3

    gallery script...

    Heya, Ive been posting in this forum for help for this, but now that im offering points/cash for this help, i thought i might as well post here :) Ive been designing a clients website for a while now, and the only thing that is holding me back is the gallery pages. Normally I would use...
  13. mikel2k3

    gallery script / code ?

    I posted a while ago about looking for a specific script.... Ive found out my client his mind, and is ok with something like this: Can anybody tell me how to do it? Or just generally give me some help with it? Thanks, Mike
  14. mikel2k3

    looking for script...Im

    looking for a gallery script like this: I was going to recreate it using IFRAMES, but it wont work how i want. Just wondering how i go about making it a rollover effect really. - mike
  15. mikel2k3

    my apparent 'Urban Photography'

    Bored so i thought I might as well post this link here to get some feedback from you guys. Basicly, im doing an A Level course in photography (and he hasnt really taught us anything usefull), i just wanted to know what you guys think of the pics i took the other day. LINK...
  16. mikel2k3

    Div Class / Div ID ??

    Hey, I know that this will sound like an amazingly n00b question, but im sure ill get over it. Basicly I want to know what difference it make when making CSS layouts when you put in the html <Div class="Something"></Div> OR <Div id="Something"</Div> Does it make any difference about...
  17. mikel2k3

    Image gallery help

    I am currently using this to make my image gallery's for photographers, models etc: But what I would like to know, is there anyway for it to happen that when you click on a thumbnail, the image will open in the same window (instead of a new window). I was...
  18. mikel2k3

    text updating script?

    Helloo! I am just wondering if it possible for somebody to either find me a script that will allow a client to update their own text on their website? Preferably something with a seperate page where they can type into a text box, click update, then it will update the main page. Im finding...
  19. mikel2k3

    VIP user...

    Arnt people that have paid hosting on here supposed to be VIP users on the forum? I used to be, but since X10 v3 i havnt been. Doesnt make much difference... im just wondering. Thanks
  20. mikel2k3

    paid membership sites

    Heya, I have recently sorted a deal with a model that is wanting a website that will be able to allow people to sign up for a membership. Im sure you get the idea of what im talking about. What id like to know, is if anybody knows of any good free php scripts that will do most of the hard...