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  1. W

    suspension resolution

    found it, it was indeed being e-mailed, but to the registrant and the details were all still at default, i.e support@x10hosting. I changed the registrant details to my own and resent the epp and got the code. Now for confirmation my new host has e-mailed the registrant and admin details, but i...
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    suspension resolution

    that would be x10
  3. W

    suspension resolution

    oh well, thank you for the hosting while it lasted, sorry i out-grew you. On requesting the EPP code, the on-screen message reads successful but i have not received the email containing the code, not even in the spam folder
  4. W

    suspension resolution

    Woops, a bit more serious than i realised. Well the files i can cope with, but may i ask for a little generosity and have temporary access to recover any DB updates? Also, how would i get a transfer authorization code to move my domain to a more suitable host?
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    suspension resolution

    I\'ve been suspended for having excessive images. I missed this in the TOS but fair enough, how can i resolve this to regain access to files and DB while i arange more suitable hosting?
  6. W

    Switch to unlimited storage plan

  7. W

    Switch to unlimited storage plan

    i didnt previously request it as i was within storage but had 3 databases, now im down to 2 databases but over storage, so the unmetered storage is more suitable for me now
  8. W

    Switch to unlimited storage plan

    just realised it's probably about time i switched from the old plan to the newer free unlimited storage plan, could i get that modified please?
  9. W

    E-mail forwarding

    I'm trying to get e-mail forwarding to work. I've sucessfully created an e-mail account under cpanel, and would like all mail forwarded to my gmail so i can have a 'proper' address without checking multiple accounts. This used to work using the forwarding facility under cpanel, but i was...
  10. W

    free hosting unmetered vs premium 'unmetered'

    Comparing TOS for free and premium hosting, the premium hosting TOS states a limit of 300k inodes, and no backups over 10GB, neither of which i see in the free hosting TOS. Two questions: 1: What is an inode? 2: Am i right to interperet that these limitations do not therefore exist in the free...
  11. W

    500 error under moodle

    there have been a few posts with 500 internal server errors, but none seem resolved, so here's mine: a subdomain works fine (note some of the links are broken due to being work in progress), however the moodle to go with it at...
  12. W

    forum block and defaultwebpage problem

    yes, thankyou ---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ---------- now i have a problem with the subdomains, a similar page appears, another thread reporting similar problems seemed to have the solution as adding the domain back in, but when i view the...
  13. W

    forum block and defaultwebpage problem

    #1: if i try to create or reply to a thread in the support forum i am told i have insufficient privilages despite being on chopin which i believe is open for support now (this is done through account panel) #2: i recieve the following status/error when trying to visit my website: If you...
  14. W

    TOS query

    types of files would most likely be documents or links in the way im seeing it at the moment. Others wouldnt be accessing it through ftp, but through a http site listing the available documents by e.g topic area. While i dont currently plan on the main site being much more than a...
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    TOS query

    yeah, thats a fairly decent description of what i had in mind...
  16. W

    TOS query

    Ive got a site id like to explore, but im worried it might be a bit border-line on the TOS, especially the file-sharing requirement, so i wanted to 'ok' before going full on with it. I'm a trainee teacher, and would like to create a site for teaching resources to be shared between teachers in...
  17. W

    500 Internal Server Error

    im getting now a very sketchy 500 error. My site seems to periodicly go from working fine, to being back to a 500 error without me doing anything to it:
  18. W

    premium query

    i know this probably isnt quite the right place, but here we go anyway. If i decide to upgrade to premium on a package which includes a free domain, is there a way i can put that domain 'in the bank' rather than registering one at sign-up, i cant see a way which lets me skip that step in sign up?
  19. W

    500 Internal Server Error

    I think im having a related issue, my page loads to 500 error or not atall. Ive changed permissions of all the files in the public_html to 755 and ive tried the 'RewriteRoot /' in the .htaccess but neither of those steps seems to have resolved the issue:
  20. W

    database down again.

    Im on chopin and getting the error so i guess sql server is down?