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  1. G

    Error: "'No space left on device' and 'session.save_path'

    There is currently an issue with the servers, and admins are working on it
  2. G

    Joomla installation error

    There are some issues that the admins currently are working on.
  3. G


    Yeah, there are the back, forward and stop buttons. I wanna remap them to Spotify, so back would be previous song, forward next, and stop play/pause. I know the CMD commands of doing it, but I don't know how to put them on the keys
  4. G

    web page not found ???

    your site is working for me. Try to clear your browsers cache
  5. G

    My x10 hosted site marked as "distributing malware" by google!

    I tried visiting your site in IE, and it's downloading a trojan inside a PDF from that domain. The virus resides in the jquery.curvycorners.source.js file, and this file should be immediately be removed. That code should be removed (I've removed parts of it to break...
  6. G

    [SPND_RUSAGE3] can i have my account unsuspended?

    Re: can i have my account unsuspended? unsuspended
  7. G

    [PHISHING] Suspension

    Re: Suspension Phishing sites are against our Zero Tolerance policy, and your account will not be unsuspended
  8. G

    My account sespended

  9. G

    Suspension needs help

  10. G


    try this: mod_gzip_on Yes mod_gzip_dechunk Yes mod_gzip_item_include file \.(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl|jpg|png|gif)$ mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script$ mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text/.* mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application/x-javascript.* mod_gzip_item_exclude...
  11. G

    My website keeps getting reported

    I suggest you complain at, as I checked your site trought google cache and on or server and I were unable to see how you would be copying him. I would strongly recommend using other service than tho, as the way is run
  12. G

    My website keeps getting reported

    I can't see why they report you, as it is a free theme. Have you tried contacting them asking for any reason? If it's because the theme, I suggest contacting on why you aren't breaking any copyright
  13. G

    If a member of staff could read this.....

    IPB isn't a free script, it costs $150. Unfortunately this is against our ToS, and you will not be unsuspended
  14. G

    Change my site domain name

    Yes, by adding it as an addon domain in cPanel. Nameservers:
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    Yes, it should be enabled
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    Cname request

    solved - closed. If you have further questions feel free to contact us again
  18. G

    redirects to

    do a virus, malware and spyware scan, as it's impossible that your domain would redirect to that, as you have no files yet
  19. G

    My account is suspended because i uploaded ""PHISHED SITE"" :S :S

    We have a zero tolerance policy against phishing. Your account will not be unsuspended