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  1. G


    How do I remap the back, forward and stop button to run CMD commands?
  2. G

    My gallery

    Do you mean this image? on linux, all filenames are case sensitive, so .jpg isn't same as .JPG
  3. G

    how to host

    First, you need a client, I recomend Then you login using your domain as host, and cPanel info as login. Then upload all your files to the public_html folder
  4. G

    error register global

    You can't turn it on, because if you would use it your site would get hacked as fast as an hacker finds your site. register_globals is deprecated as for php 5.3, and removed as for php 6.0. It isn't recomended to use it, so you have to use another CMS like joomla etc
  5. G

    suspended for resource usage

  6. G

    Suspended account and can not logon

    that account was terminated for being suspended for more than 10 days on the 8th Dec. You are free to sign up for a new account
  7. G

    E-Mail not available

    you currently already have an cPanel account named brujah. Is this resolved?
  8. G

    Request for account activation

    your account is already activated
  9. G

    change username ? ?

    nope, only way would to be to terminate it and let you sign up again
  10. G

    site suspended/deleted due to inactivity

    it seems like you have no account linked. What was your cPanel username?
  11. G

    cpanel error?

    the "home" link in cPanel is broken, just replace .php with .html
  12. G


    try to clear your browsers cache
  13. G

    Cannot download databases from myPHPAdmin

    could you try to export it and don't chose to save as file?
  14. G

    Terminate Account

    have you taken a backup of any files?
  15. G

    do you use the username 'eac'?
  16. G

    Folder deletion issue

    *solved - closed* If you need further assistance, feel free to open a new thread
  17. G

    Couple questions

    If you don't like to login every 31 day, you could buy the 1 year inactivity timer for $3 under the UCP here at the forums
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    requesting account termination

    have you taken a backup of any data on your account?
  19. G

    Suspensed Accound..

    Unfortunately, since Dec 1 unsupported language falls under the Zero Tolerance policy, and you will not be unsuspended