what is a scam, the author or that site posted?
Virtual credit cards, ie prepaid credit cards, do exist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_card#Prepaid_.22credit.22_cards
Even paypal offers virtual credit cards now.
you were suspended for inactivity. It's a requirement that you login to the forums once every 2 weeks.
I have put your account in the unsuspension queue
So I should use an ObjectInputStream?
private void jTable1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {
if(evt.getClickCount() == 2 &&
(jTable1.getValueAt(jTable1.getSelectedRow(), 2).toString().equals("RAR") ||...
Actually it was quite easy, after I found this:
http://www.java-forums.org/awt-swing/541-how-change-color-jtable-row-having-particular-value.html#post1015 and http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javaqa/2001-09/03-qa-0928-jtable.html?page=1
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