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  1. G

    I am now x10 Lieutenant

    Congratulations ;)
  2. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Cutting class :(. That isn't good :/
  3. G

    [REQ][5 credits]Everyone on X10 please help!!!

    Re: Everyone on X10 please help!!! *moved to Marketplace, involving credits*
  4. G

    Account Problem - Evidence

    Well then, now the only solution seems to wait for the ticket to be answered. Sorry :(
  5. G

    New account not working

    Did you try logging in with your forum username and password?
  6. G

    Account Problem - Evidence

    hmmm. That's weird with the 404's... It maybe could have happened that your IP got blocked by the firewall, but I'm not sure that would show 404's... Try making this: 1. Clear your cache of the browser 2. Open CMD, and type "ipconfig /flushdns" without the quotes 3. Shut down the computer 4. Go...
  7. G

    Website down

    I see you get a 500 internal server error. What is the CHMOD (permissions) on the index.php file?
  8. G

    MediaWiki on intermeditate PHP fix!

    Replace /config/index.php with this one: Sure, they may be 2 or 3 errors, but it will install anyway and will be fully functional afterwards. Tested on MV 1.13.2
  9. G

    Account Problem - Evidence

    you mean mySQL? There is no way checking the online status of mySQL with such scripts, since the firewall blocks those requests. If you mean your site is down, it's up for me.
  10. G

    Domain with hyphens

    please post a support request at
  11. G

    Computer Building

  12. G

    [25 credits]Put this in your sig

    everyone paid
  13. G

    how many??

    You could only have 1 account, but you can have more domains (own domains), and you could put sites in sub-directories too
  14. G

    New Feature Update

    It's the install item...
  15. G

    [25 credits]Put this in your sig

    You need to press save too
  16. G


    Please post a ticket at
  17. G

    Can 1user Register 2 sites?

    Try adding it as an addon domain
  18. G

    AJAX Not working

    No it requires XMLHttpRequests too, which seems be disabled on the server
  19. G

    New Feature Update

    You can make your own categories...