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  1. G


    What if the woman got raped? If you were a woman, and you got raped and pregnant, would you want to keep the baby? I surely wouldn't want that if I was a woman, But if it is just that they don't want it anymore etc, then no
  2. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol did you visit it again?
  3. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Lol have you stumbled upon these weird flash holiday cards where you can enter your own message? This is what I did (Note: you will be required to terminate your browser)...
  4. G

    100000 green bottles sitting on the wall

    99896 green bottles sittng on a wall 99896 green bottles sittng on a wall And if 1 green bottle was to accidentally fall There'd be 99895 green bottles sitting on the wall
  5. G

    Fed up of Being suspended

    Because you need to login to the forum once every 2 weeks. It's just because otherwise the servers get clogged up with like thousands of users who don't even use their account. Be glad that you only need to login, some hosts require you to post 50 posts per month, but not here.
  6. G

    [REQ][$$$]1 page image flash redesign for choclate sales

    Re: 1 page image flash redesign for choclate sales *moved to the marketplace*
  7. G

    3D guitar

    Autodesk maya 2009 with mental ray as renderer. I use mi_car_paint_phen on the guitar body and mi_car_paint on top of mib_glossy_refraction for the blue thing. The strings are just a lambert because I didn't find any mettalic shader.
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    3D guitar

    We had lowpoly production as a project the latest 3 weeks, and here is one part of the work: What do you think? Program: Autodesk Maya 2009 ultimate Renderer: Mental Ray
  9. G


    I already changed it to
  10. G

    <?php If($I == $Here){ print "Hello!"; } ?>

    <?php $awesome = true; $firstline = "Awesome! <br />"; $welcome = "Hello and welcome to x10, phpgod! Enjoy your stay!"; if($awesome) { echo $firstline.$welcome; } else { echo $welcome; } ?> And sanchises, just a tip, never ever use short opening tags ;). It's annoying because the php.ini must...
  11. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    it tastes really bad imo
  12. G

    LCD or Plasma TVs?

    But my LCD screen has no such problem, I can see it as great from every angle. But 160 degrees, are you standing behinf the TV then? Because if you see from front and say that is 0 degrees, if you look from straight left, it's 90 degrees, straight right is also 90 degrees from the original...
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    Feel the beats

    On that song, I got B+ on easy. But th POtC song is pretty hard lol imo Try this: I can only 20% lol
  14. G

    Show us your Prt Scr

    Hahahaha. You should see the guitar when it's done. I think about finishing it today or tomorrow
  15. G

    I'm in electrical class right now, lol

    I already done some motion censor things. You know those toys who when you go past them, they start the alarm? I took out the screws, cutted of the speaker of it's cords, and put a red LED there instead, so when anyone went past, the LED would Light for 6 seconds. I was like 11 when I did that
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    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I am sitting and waiting for sponsors to :D. No one can afford $5 :(. lol
  17. G

    Funny Picture Thread

    hahahahha. Awesum
  18. G

    MYSQL/PHP Code

    *closed as requested*
  19. G

    Sponsor JAGF! For $5 you get sponsor status at the board, a halfbanner to your site on the sponsor page and other things. You don't need to sponsor, I just look if someone is interested :D
  20. G

    No audio with Flash Player 10, & Vista- Any [polite] suggestions

    sure you didn't press "mute" on the videos, and that you have the speakers turned up when you go to youtube?