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  1. G

    Can't install phpbb 3.0.3

    aha, I thought you did an update. Can you please check the error_log in cPanel?
  2. G

    Can't install phpbb 3.0.3

    it is the memory. Also it is suhosin... Smcadmin told me this on the IRC, that phpBB tried allocating 134 MB RAM and using something called "get_posix" that is blacklisted. It is because phpBB tries to check all files in the install. If you choose the Changed Files only, it will probably work.
  3. G

    Can't install phpbb 3.0.3

    You need to get the "Changed Files Only" package. The automatical update requires a VPS or a dedi since it need 134+ MB memory.
  4. G

    problem with phpbb3

    Have you cleared the cache? Delete the content of the cache folder, but leave the .htaccess and index.html file
  5. G

    I'm in electrical class right now, lol

    Have you done anything else than motors too?
  6. G

    Funny Picture Thread

    lawl hahahahah on that video. You getting robbed!
  7. G

    Would you kill one to save thousands?

    Well, if it were a person who had killed really many. Like traveling back in time and killing Hitler. I amy have tried stopping it in some way.
  8. G

    Happy Childrens Day....

    Yeah, happy childrens day! :D
  9. G

    Feel the beats

    Have you played this before? It's a flash game like guitar hero, but you play with your keyboard. <- Which grade do you get? I got a D-- lol
  10. G

    LCD or Plasma TVs?

    LCD because I heard that on plasma TVs, sharp things (Really white objects) can get burned into the screen. Also, You can't see the screen if you look from the side, you need to sit infront all the time. I don't have a LCD TV tho, but I do have a LCD computer screen
  11. G

    Funny Picture Thread

    Lol hahaha. Think of all non-techy people who'd buy that
  12. G

    Happy Childrens Day....

    We used to do it here like 11 years ago, but they deleted the event like 10 years ago
  13. G

    software discount

    Dreamspark is from high school (when you turn 16 (15 for some))
  14. G

    I'm in electrical class right now, lol

    lol I would like to do electrics, but I find it useless lol
  15. G


    you mean like doing websites, 3D, programming etc?
  16. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!! Vote :D
  17. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Lol. I failed at the first test in physics. But I belive there is an upcoming Epic Fail on the re-test
  18. G

    Best 3D Authoring Software

    I gonna choose maya since it's really great! Easy to use, much features, you can do anything you want. There is over 100 different menues lol. It's easy to learn too, if you got it as a course in school, you'll learn it in 3 - 4 lessons
  19. G

    Joomla! 1.5.8 came out! Time to update!

    Shouldn't this be in scripts and 3rd party apps? Well, it came about right time because I gonna get it today :D
  20. G

    Ubuntu Linux 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex)

    *moved* Why not DL it and burn it/put it on a USB? I did it that way, that's pretty much free...