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  1. G

    Clean Blue template! What do you think? Aviable for download at: Edit: uh well, when I got the download mod working...
  2. G

    Muffiningy - with albums!

    Nice! The uploader needs some work tho. Make a uploader where you can mark multiple images at once and upload them all
  3. G

    It's my birthday!

    Oh... My... God... I never get any presents for my birthday... :(. Can I get a pair of shoes? I lost mine :(
  4. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]Integrate wordpress into template

    I gonna see if hey101 makes it, if not I will send the files to you, NaHoW
  5. G

    [REQ][1000 credits]Integrate wordpress into template

    I want my blog at to be integrated with the template used on my forum here Instead of the forum it should ofcourse be the blog. It should be able to use the header and footer of the phpBB site (overall_header.html and overall_footer.html). Anyone can do this?
  6. G

    [REQ[500 credits]Fix IE

    I recently made a template. Ofcourse, templates isn't supported by IE without 1 day more of work and guessing, so I am paying 500 credits to fix the menubar of my template. I used Display:inline-block; for firefox, but that isn't supported by IE. I need the template fixed so it works both with...
  7. G

    [CSS]Making menu with line

    nope. inline just moved the links to the position where they were without margin, and block did nothing but guess what? display:inline-block; did it yey! Please see too. I give you 500 credits for a working...
  8. G

    Makin' Template !

    You need to slice it. I always slice it in 1 header, 1 bg that should be repeated and 1 footer. Then I make 3 divs, 1 for the header, 1 for the background and 1 for the footer. I set the header image as background in the header div with no-repeat. The background div I set the bg image with a...
  9. G

    [CSS]Making menu with line

    I want the links and lines to be in one line as an menu but I'm clearly not suceeded... Any ideas? This is the code I am using: <div class="menuleft"> <a href="#">Link1</a><div class="line"><img src="images/line.png" alt="" /></div><a href="#">link2</a><div class="line"><img...
  10. G

    Forum redesign

    If you have FF3, you could choose "show" from the menu. Then under "zoom", choose "Zoom only text". Then hold ctrl and scroll
  11. G

    [help]XHTML 1.0 transitional

    My page was xhtml 1.0 transitional until I added w3c says type=1 is wrong, but I can't delete that because it's a part of the URL. Any idea how I can keep my site valid with the link?
  12. G

    [REQ][20+ credits]Post on my forum

    Ok I do this again now. Post on my forum! 20 points per post, 100 points per tutorial YOU made that are posted in the tutorial section. I will be paying every 1 month, so next pay will be 24 november (yey my birthday!)
  13. G

    It's my birthday!

    CONGRATULATIONS! And remember, the cake is a lie ;)
  14. G

    Browser Based Game Source A list of some BBG's.
  15. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    lol hahaha dumb. This is why some people shouldn't play computer games.
  16. G

    Browser Based Game Source

    That is a flash game, isn't it?
  17. G

    Browser Based Game Source

    Legend Of The Green Dragon, Solar Imperium, Dragon Knight. Google them. They're all free
  18. G

    need your help in locating this image

    *topic resolved. Closed*
  19. G

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Since I lost them and I am so angry at myself ;)