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  1. 3dhomejoe

    These people were board....

    I should have also noted that there is a sign in the room that says... I don't see any reason that I can't post them because the users were notified that others could get to them if they are not stored in their documents. Edit: I also think its in the student hand book also that content on the...
  2. 3dhomejoe

    These people were board....

    So what can you do in a high school, cad/cam (autocad) computer lab with a failing grade (most likely) and time on your hands? Take funny images of yourself (on a public system) and not know that they are saved to the system for all users to view. Then have a person like me a computer geek to...
  3. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    The code works, checked in mysql and I saw that it was running the different encid #'s and the script did end like it should have. Now I can add some finishing touches to it and going to try what misson said at the beginning of the post, even though this is a private script, its still a good...
  4. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    Ok, here is what I got for the explain command EDIT: forgot this... and no, they don't finish
  5. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    Ah missed that, I believe it should be like this right? $query = "SELECT * FROM attacktype_table WHERE encid IN (SELECT encid FROM encounter_table WHERE starttime < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY));";Ran it and IIS gave me a timeout error, and in mysql it was still running, I killed it...
  6. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    ok, gave this a try... $query = "DELETE FROM attacktype_table USING attacktype_table LEFT JOIN encounter_table ON attacktype_table.encid = encounter_table.encid WHERE encounter_table.starttime < CURDATE() - INTERVAL 30 DAY OR encounter_table.encid IS NULL"; The good news, it...
  7. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    Ok, give me some time to reply to everyone please, going to edit this post a few times as I reply... Ok, echo did print out alot of stuff... (Edit: it goes on for a long time, lots of data, so I removed 95% of what it gave me to make it fit in the post, I can post a txt file of what it gave...
  8. 3dhomejoe

    [PHP + MYSQL] remove rows from database

    Hello, im trying to build a script that gets the date of an old row and select an ID number from it and then it would remove any rows the = that ID number, here is my code so far it selects all of the id numbers but I can't get it to clear them, what is wrong? I have posted this on other...
  9. 3dhomejoe

    I hate it when people complain...

    I hate it when people complain about something they choose to do/not do/etc. What about you guys? Don't you hate that?
  10. 3dhomejoe

    Cracking Down on Spam

    I think it would still count as e-mails going out
  11. 3dhomejoe

    2k posts!

    Grats! Thats alot of posting
  12. 3dhomejoe

    How to make the internet 10 times cooler.

    in my terms if someone is using caps, then that means they are yelling...
  13. 3dhomejoe

    [game} Rename the person above you

    ichwar >> Lukewarm
  14. 3dhomejoe

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Banned for quoting
  15. 3dhomejoe

    The Ctrl+V game My ip address I made it smaller, it was too large
  16. 3dhomejoe

    1000 Post

    Grats on 1,000 Posts!
  17. 3dhomejoe

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Hello, Im retuning to x10 to try the hosting again!
  18. 3dhomejoe

    Free Credits

    Im leaving x10 and so im giving away all of my credits how to get them is send me a pm with this Title: Credits Body: I want your credits The first one that sends me a pm will get all of them!!! Thanks 3dhomejoe
  19. 3dhomejoe

    Stoli.x10 mysql still down

    ok its been 1 month and the mysql servers are still down! what is going on???? i changed my scripts to the new sql server and they still dont work, the account management says it is offline, will it ever be online? Thanks 3dhomejoe
  20. 3dhomejoe

    Team Speak Server Hosting

    Hello, Im going to open up team speak server hosting to limited ppl only. THIS IS FREE! What i need is Your Name (first is ok) E-mail Username Password Channel Name Max PPL And why you want one you can give me this info on xfire (3dhomejoe) a PM, or by this link...