Search results

  1. Z

    "Internal server error"?

    Do you have a .htaccess file in that directory?
  2. Z

    Sites dont load

    Fris is currently being worked on, and httpd, ftp, and cPanel are down. It should be back up soon. If this problem persists, try flushing your DNS and clearing your cache.
  3. Z


    It should be the same as your cPanel login.
  4. Z

    Can't log into my cPanel

    Try logging into cPanel from the account panel.
  5. Z

    My website is redirected some third person website

    What is it redirecting to?
  6. Z

    Still No Site

    Some of the server seems to be down. I've contacted an admin to find out whats wrong. Let you know as soon as I get an update. Edit: 19:48 - Corey - RAID is verifying 19:48 - Corey - Took some services down until it's done, it's at 98% It should be back shortly.
  7. Z

    Still No Site

    Try clearing your cache and making sure the paths to the images are correct.
  8. Z

    Unable to login to cpanel

    Try logging into cPanel from the account panel. If one website works then you should be able to login. The rest are probably still having their DNS updated.
  9. Z

    Can't log into my cPanel

    Are you able to login to cPanel from inside the account panel?
  10. Z

    Email Not Sending

    Make sure that it is not going to your junk folder by mistake.
  11. Z

    Still No Site

    Fris' security certificate hasn't been updated yet. When the server is finished being set up, that issue should be resolved.
  12. Z

    Is accounts migration on lotus over?

    Are you able to access cPanel from the account panel?
  13. Z

    Still No Site

    The way you currently have it setup is your domain is pointed to the server via an A record. You need to set it up using nameservers.
  14. Z

    Website Do Not Working

    Your website loaded, but it loaded very slowly. It should be resolved within the hour.
  15. Z

    Problems with /

    The administrators are still working hard to fix all of the misconfiguration errors. Please read here. I assume by backend maintenance they mean mysql as well as misconfiguration errors like the one you are getting.
  16. Z

    All Content Deleted

    There wasn't supposed to be any data loss, but some still occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  17. Z

    Having problem--it happened before

    Your site load fine for me. Try clearing your cache and flushing your dns.
  18. Z

    Still No Site

    Please point your A records to or have your nameservers changed to and and manage your dns record in cPanel.
  19. Z

    Files Missing on Fris after Lotus Transfer and Python

    Oops.. misread the the first asterisked statement and thought it said it was restored.. my bad.. But the x10Hosting status updates say the restores are completed, so it should be safe to upload.
  20. Z

    Files Missing on Fris after Lotus Transfer and Python

    Yes, it is alright to reinstall now that the restores are complete.