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  1. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    I have some ideas about that. Why don't you start up a separate thread in games or off topic, and we'll bounce a few ideas and see where it goes.
  2. fguy64

    Recommend good AM2+/AM3 socket motherboard?

    It's been a few years since I built a computer, but when I did i always went with a company called ASUS for motherboards. They cost a little more, but they are a solid company with good boards. At least they were, I'm not sure what is happening now. If they make the type of board you require...
  3. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    yes cookies are enabled, or else I assume I wouldn't be able to log in at all. I can see x10 saves 5 cookies on my hard drive. I have restricted 3rd party cookies, but that shouldn't be an issue. Like I say, it's only a problem on some sites, and not all VBulletin sites I have the problem with...
  4. fguy64

    My son asked 23 times ( very touching)

    reminds me, I will always remember when I was in my twenties going to visit my grandmother in a home, she was not too bad, but the decline was well under way. Anyways, I just walked up to where she was parked in her wheelchair and gave her a hug. She took one look at me and said "Whose kid are...
  5. fguy64

    My son asked 23 times ( very touching)

    very nice, thanks. my parents are both 75+, and memory and comprehension starts to slip. I shall keep this story in mind, it will help me to be patient.
  6. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    Thanks Mission, much appreciated. I will take some time to digest what you have posted. At the moment my program does not have a pgn parser. But that should not be a problem to write. What I ended up deciding in order to retrieve stored games was the following... have a pgn database set...
  7. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    what do you mean? You are saying it isn't faster? in what way?
  8. fguy64

    JavaScript Form Validation

    are you saying you changed the code from what is shown above to make phone work? What change did you make? Also, what do you mean by "doesn't work"? The code doesn't execute? or it executes but does not do what you want? It would help if you told us what is supposed to happen, what makes...
  9. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    good point zen-r. At our level, it is worth it to play on. But at the level that Kasparov and Deep Blue play at, this sort of position is a no-brainer imo. The only reason Kasparov played on is because he was being paid a fortune to put on a show, so he had an obligation to the sponsors. I'm...
  10. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    really! ok thanks for the heads up. I have only used Chrome recently, and I have the problem primarily with this board (vBulletin ) and another board (JForum) but not so it seems with two other boards I visit, one is phpBB, the other is vBulletin® Version 3.6.8. I need to test this more...
  11. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    Yes thanks I have tried that. Remember me checkboxes on the page don't seem to have any effect anywhere. A side issue is, I do have Chrome prompt me to remember the password. That works most places. Interestingly, Chrome will remember my account login details at, but will not...
  12. fguy64


    Now that you mention it, I agree. It's silly and juvenile. Funny thing is, if it wasn't for the name "google", some genius at Microsoft would probably never have thought of the name "bing". I can just see a bunch of MS honchos having a brainstorming session in the boardroom. Ging? Gong? Hung...
  13. fguy64


    I'm with you ichwar, everything my friends have told me about Vista makes me think of Windows Me. What a godawful pile of crap that was. Windows 98 2nd. edition, considering it's time, just might be the best job Microsoft has ever done on an o/s. sorry if I'm going off topic here.
  14. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    that I'm not so clear on. I can see how server side scripting can be used to pass information to the java applet running on the client, but it is not at all clear to me that the client could pass info back to the server via the same scripting language. If it did work, it would be as follows...
  15. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    Do any of the Chrome users here have trouble with X10 forum login? It seems like I am always "losing" my session, and I have to frequently log back into the forum. It seems to be timing out, and it happens when I have multiple tabs open and I am away from my x10forum tab for a while.
  16. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    Re: Using Java with MySQL on x10 also Perl I like to rephrase stuff, it helps me to understand... OK, we're getting somewhere. In this case then, the game was a specific predetermined one for which the site designer had advance knowledge of database keys. SO the designer codes these keys...
  17. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    OK, where I'm going is this. I want my java chess applet to be be able to load and save some kind of chess games. lets first of all consider what might be happening with the following page, which uses a java applet to present a chess game. It's a very popular site for online viewing of games...
  18. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    You are correct. The famous 6th game can be viewed here. Kasparov blundered on his 7th move, he struggled on for another 10 moves, but there was no hope.
  19. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    Thanks Garrett, this looks promising. It'll take some time to decipher the documentation, I'll post back here when I figure some stuff out. Don't hold your breath. :) Only other question I have is, as far as I can tell, server side java is not part of x10's free hosting service?
  20. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    zen-r, feel free to jump in, I only mentioned ichwar cause he seems to be right on top of this thread.