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  1. fguy64

    [PHP] Ban and IP from you're webpage.

    just an observation of the effectiveness of banning ip's in general... given that ip addresses are usually assigned dynamically by the ISP using some kind of DHCP, going to any effort to ban IP addresses seems like a waste of time to me, and may even be counterproductive in that you will...
  2. fguy64

    Using Java with MySQL on x10

    greetings. I don't need a how to, I was just hoping someone could save me some time by pointing me in the right direction. Given that Java, and thus JDBC, is a client side application, and mySQL is server side application, what is the mechanism by which my Java applet can get information from...
  3. fguy64

    Uploading mySQL databases?

    Not an issue, it just sounds like I won't be able to upload database files using my favorite ftp client. Not a showstopper at all.
  4. fguy64

    Uploading mySQL databases?

    Which means I have no choice in where my database files physically reside?
  5. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    probably Rybkka Edit: OK ichwar, three part question... World Champion Garry Kasparov became the first grandmaster to lose to a computer when He lost his second match against this dedicated chess supercomputer. In the decisive game, Kasparov committed a well known blunder in the opening...
  6. fguy64

    Uploading mySQL databases?

    duly noted. Thanks bud!
  7. fguy64

    Uploading mySQL databases?

    Is it possible to create and populate mySQL databases on your computer, then upload them to x10? Does mySQL on x10 allow me as a user to place databases somewhere under my home directory structure and then maybe specify the location in my connect or select statements? My initial...
  8. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    yep. I'm an old school sort of guy, I like simple design. The first XP feature that disappeared was the default desktop of a hilly meadow, to be replaced by solid light gray. Also went to the classic style as you point out, I especially prefer the old Programs menu and taskbar.
  9. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    Oh yeah, there was some serious computational power there. I think it was in Spain, but I'm not sure. If I'm not mistaken it's already over, just held this month. Edit: oops sorry, this is incorrect. What it should say is that Baikal contains more fresh water than all the North American...
  10. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    I'm pretty sure Aral Sea is saltwater. Anyways, the top lakes by volume are 1. Baikal, in Siberia - 23,600 cubic km (5,700 cubic miles) 2. Tanganyika, in Africa - 18,900 cubic km (4,500 cu mi) 3. Superior (Canada/US) - 11,600 cubic km (2,800 cu mi) Interesting to note that Baikal in...
  11. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    nah, Salt Lake is nowhere near the size of the big boys
  12. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    barrow is correct. It's pretty much an oil-field settlement these days. where would you find the largest freshwater lake in the world, by volume.
  13. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    right state, wrong city.
  14. fguy64

    History/Geography Trivia

    Hey zen-r, thanks for the write-up on the Pilgrims and Plymouth. That's what makes this game good, you learn some interesting stuff. What is the northernmost settlement (city/town) in the United States?
  15. fguy64

    Google Chrome 2 30% More Faster

    who me? nah, I upgraded to xp a few months ago :biggrin: I couldn't get onto the house wireless with 2000.
  16. fguy64

    Any Chess Players here?

    I'm sure 6.14 is fine, I think maybe the only difference is some extra support for Windows 7. I'll take a look on the website to see just what was changed. The next step is to take a look at the "getting started" part of the tutorial, and do the example about Hello World, which deals with...
  17. fguy64

    Any Chess Players here?

    heh heh, cool! ok Ubuntu, I've never heard of it. is that a flavor of Unix or something? try the Sun forums, lots of expertise of all kinds there. You will need to create an account, but that will come in handy for you.
  18. fguy64

    Any Chess Players here?

    actually, no I don't. I'm a Windows guy, and any jdk I've ever downloaded is an exe installer file. First off, what is your operating system? If it's something other than Windows, then I can't really say much. Only one suggestions, make sure your system has been appropriately backed up. Last...
  19. fguy64

    Any Chess Players here?

    sounds good, looking forward to this.
  20. fguy64

    Any Chess Players here?

    OK C++ will make it easier to learn a little java. here is your essential resource for all things java. In particular, look for a link that says getting started. There is information there about how to compile and run java routines. That is essential if you want to get involved in this...