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  1. C

    Putting Ads in SMF

    Hi I can't seem to install the ads on SMF. I can with an IFRAME but in show at the top and thats not what I want. I need the ads to be just after the navigation links. Please Try to Help. I am running an very very popular upload service (300 page views a day) but it seems to be illegal. So I...
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    Big Problem

    Hi I have opened an upload service. Its free for all Game Makers just like me. But the problem is the TOS. But bigguy said that you can have it on a forum software. But its useless on a forum software because members have to post some thing on the topic. And this can lead to forum overloads as...
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    Is My Computer Good

    Hi I was just wondring if the pentium 3 processor is good. I have a P3 633MHz Celeron Processor and I have been using it for like 5 years. I am even running XP Pro. 192MB RAM and 32MB Video Card 2X20GB HDD and DVD ROM, CD Writer. I am somtimes running a Web Server on this thing. Is my Computer...
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    Forum Software

    Hi, I was thing wich free forum software is best? Well I like IPB 1.3.1 because its soooo cool and packed with easy to understand. What is yours
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    SMF ads don't work

    Hi, I have installed SMF 1.0.5. But every time I try to put the adcodes to the "index.template.php" it comes up with an error bigguy say to put it above some line but that line is not there :( The is the code of the index.template.php file in attachment. Can some one tell me a plase where I...
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    TOS Problem

    Hi I am a Game Designer with the many out there and the most impossible part for us is to find a place to upload the game. And even if we find one we also need mirrors for the file. I was able to get the Simplcity of Upload Scripts and let my friends at a forum upload. But I stop it once I...
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    Setting Up Your Own DNS Domains with FreeDns

    Hi I found and there is link to affrade org. Go to that site and Register. One you are registered go to subdomains and frist make a type "A" Domain and put you sites IP in redirect box. Note sub domain should be like "chiranthasoft". Now you may notice that when you enter www...
  8. C

    x10hosting Server Problem and I found it

    Oh Oh! There is an error on the subdomains this is a report of the server and this error is there. And my ISP has problems when this happens, Report from FAIL All nameservers respond ERROR: Some of your nameservers listed at the parent nameservers did not respond. The...
  9. C

    Sever Load!!!!!!! 10

    Hi I have my forums at (Hosted by X10) and the problem is that the server load is soo high 6.70 for no reson. I don't know whats going on but there was a guest on the board I band him and the server load begain to go down. But its still remaining...
  10. C

    Internal Server Error 500

    Hi Ok I was testing things out with mambo then after that I desided to remove it and reinstall it. But while doing this somthing went realy wrong and I can't reinstall mambo. While in the process when I tryed to unintall it I keept on getting the same dam screen and there were two options one...
  11. C

    Smiley Central Emotions on my Forum

    Hi I noticed that Smiley Central Emotions are soooo cool and I thought of adding some of them (The COOLEST ONES) to my forum. So I want to know if I am allowed to do this :( Thank you Chirantha
  12. C

    To Corey

    Hi this message is to Corey. Hi Corey, I am sad because I asked you a qushen in the PM but you never repelyed. The Title of the PM was "TOS Problem" Please Help Thank you, CHirantha
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    Hi My site is down and so as all the other x10hosted sites :hug: Please Let me know if I am correct Thank you Chirantha
  14. C

    Server is busy! I can't download files

    Hi I have opened a upload sevice for Game Makers :grin:. But the problem is that every one whos downloading file have a problem. Problem is that the file is not complely downloaded (I tryed over 30 times). I have the Greatest Download program install (But I don't use it for my normal...
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    x10 was down

    Hi I just want to tell you that about 4-5 hours ago x10 was complety down (Completly) even the forums didn't work. TOTLE FALURE I thaught that x10 was gone for ever :sad: Well now I am happy. :grin: X10 was down for about 50 Menites I hope there is a reson for this Thank you Chirantha
  16. C

    Message Coder Software by Me!!!

    Hi I made a Coding Program. It can take any Text or Message from you and code it with a password. I made it with Game Maker and it took me only 4 days the encryption system is mde by me :grin: . File an exe...
  17. C

    Error Pages Gone!!! WTF! (Coparate Plan)

    Hi My Forums viewer told me that the some kind of ad page is showing up insteed of standered 404 error. For e.g. I was working on a nice 404 page and not its ruven :crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying: Please Get My Page Back if...
  18. C

    Mambo ADs PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi This secound post I am posting asking for help with Mambo. Can some tell me how to add the ads to mambo. HHHELP!!! Can some one show me how to do it with modules I tryed to ad them but look what happened It shows the ad code Please Can some one...
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    Mambo Ad Help

    Hi I have installed Mambo and I would like to know how to add the ads for it :noexpress Please Help Thank you, Chirantha
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    Help MySQL is gone!!!

    HI Help me Because my forums is not working All my SQL databases are gone!!!! Will they come back!!!!!!!! Please Help!!! Thank you, Chirantha