I just notice the MX record for x10hostings sub domains are incorrect :dunno:
It says
Isn't our mail servers mail.<our sub domain> ??? :nuts:
I'm not sure.. if people can send and recevie mail as...
This is a article I wrote.... It was published in the Sri Lankan Daily News Paper as well.
I hope you like it. Its all about Logic of life.
Thank you,
I have Motorola C350 moble phone. I normally start my Server on my computer and download MIDI files (Tones) from my computer. Lately I have been bosting around about the cool tones I have... I thought of putting it up. Its a private site with is own domain (addon domain). I got the MIDI...
I have started a Chat/Support Channel for x10hosting.com. Its hosted at slashnet. It will help you chat with people at x10hosting get LIVE help with stuff and so on. Itt would be easyer to ask people there.
I'm looking for people with skills. PHP, MySQL, and other languages. Also...
I just found out how to fix the problem with the x10hosting domains.
Why didn't it work for me at first?
I just found that out as well.... I was trying to get my site to work using the "ipconfig /flushdns" command for over an hour but it still did not work. Its because the DNS resolver...
I found this is the Google AdSense help center
So I suggest that there should be rule for the ads that say "Ads must not be placed using FRAMES and IFRAMES". And when public ads are displayed google does not pay for the clicks :(.
Thank you,
P.S. Sorce...
I have read the rules but I didn't find a rule stating this "You may not post any web site for Hosting". I gussed that x10hosting does not want other hosts advertising. Its quite understandable. But what I don't understand it that Why can I post site for File Hosting. WEB HOSTING is...
1 half hours ago All are clocks turned to 12 a clock on Sri Lanka then the number 2005 changed to 2006! So I wish all the people a Happy New Year!!!
Thank you,
And Enjoy,
I need a simple cgi script to upload files. I also need to set the allowed file type and size. And the most improtent part is to write an other file with the same name that only has this content.
This extra file must be created in the "/info" so that my php upload administration system...
I have the wrost PC in the world.
P3 633MHz Celeron Processor - Age: 5 years
64MB of PC100 SD-RAM - Age: 5 years
128MB of PC100 SD-RAM - Age: 1 year
Gigabyte GA-6VTXE (-A) Motherboard - Age: 1 year and 7 months
32MB SIS 315E Video Card (143MHz Clock) - Age : 2 years
When I try to park www.chiranthasoft.cjb.net and www.chiranthasoft.qc.to I get this error
Parked Domain Additions
********************** is owned by another user.
What should I do? Well as far and I know the DNS zone have not been deleted.
Thank you,
I am looking for an advertiser for my non-x10hosted site. I will provide a banner (480X60).
You need have some vistors etc.
I neeeeed vistors (I am currently passing 20000 hits and 600 unike, 1.3GB of tranfer in 5 days)
My site is an upload so its very popular.
Post your offers and...
My x10 hosting domain is csoft.x10hosting.com. I have two other dns domains that was pointed to old server (.52). The problem is that when I try to park
It says that there is a user using my domain. Help figure this out. I changed the...
I am trying to report a post/topic but I can't :( When I click submit report it says that there is DB error.
Please Help, I need to report that topic/post
I am not sure if I should PM a mod because there are new rules for PM's apply to this. I don't wan't to get warned.
THank you...
I am a big fan of Knight Rider. I like it sooo much that I am recording the entire series on video cassetes (The Show is being telecasted these days). I have been liking K.I.T.T ever since I saw it. Do you like knight rider?
THank you,
Are there any game makers here. If you are not a game maker its time to be one! go to www.gamemaker.nl and get Game Maker. Then you can call your self a Game Devoloper. Anyway if you think I helped you a lot please increse my reputation.
Thank you,
I am going to buy advertising with the points I have. I am trying to advertise my upload (Non-x10hosted). Please HELP ME! I don't understand what to do because there is no form to fill the info when I buy advertice. THe banner is the picture in my signature.
And how long can the banner...
In most forums that offre the point system there is a bank. There you can have an interest rates etc. It would be really useful to have a bank.
Thank you,
I got my account backup but for some reson all the parked domains are now unavalable to me. They still redirect to the Undercontruction Page and when I try to add a parked domain CPanel says this domain is already owned by a another user.
The problem is that my account has been moved...
I reproted my site to the help system I got repely saying that my account is being restored and told to wait for it propergate. But still nothing has happened.
Username: csoft
Domain: csoft.x10hosting.com
Thank you,