Search results

  1. C

    Realy long!

    I am sorry for complaning. Hi The times I have been with x10hosting was grate period. I have been with x10s said times and happy times. But this time I really ran out of waiting. Now close to 2 weeks of my account having the "Underconstruction" page its still the same. I know its a bit...
  2. C

    My site is down

    Hi, My site is now down (2-3 days) not sure. I can't access CPanel or my site My username is csoft. Please I know you'll have a backup of the sites. So please! Restore it. I have been waiting. I posted the topic that said somthing like "What if your site is not...
  3. C

    Under Construction WTF!!!

    Hi, I just don't belive that my site says. Can some one explane to me WTF is going on???? I can't even access Cpanel My user name is :csoft My real domain is : My fake domain is : Please Help me Thank you,Chirantha
  4. C

    Who owns x10hosting?

    Hi, I don't know who is the owner and founder(s) of x10hosting. This is really a stupid qucshen but I need anwers. Thank you, Chirantha
  5. C

    POP E-mail Server Down

    Hi My site monitor just reported that POP Servers on X10hosting are down! Just wanted to let you'll know. Thank you, Chirantha
  6. C

    Free ad setup for SMF

    Hi, IF you want me to setup hosting ads on your SMF forums. Please vist its 100% free. Post your request today! Anyway I don't need any access to your website. I only need the index.template.php files Thank you, Chirantha
  7. C

    Why ads won't come up in SMF?

    Hi, Its not new that x10hosting ads won't come up in SMF. So I ask them why and they said x10hosting ads code is broken (Humm.... I know its not) they also said that I must have altered the ad code (Witch I didn't). So I my Self found the problem witch ever one has overlooked. And no ad code...
  8. C

    A Smaller Skin

    Hi, Its VERY unfair that this Skin is very big. Most people don't have ADSL. Most are on Dial-ups and this forum I have to say is VERY VERY SLOW. Its not the Server but all these images etc. etc. It seem to be Pre-loading the site. The New Topic Aria has tooooo many images to preload and show...
  9. C

    X10hosting uptime

    Hi I made a little script (My Frist Script) that would check of the site is up every 15 minutes. So far the uptime is over 99%. Check it out Thank you, Chirantha
  10. C

    Server Down?

    Hi I am monitring my site with mralert and it see that the server has been down for 4 hours. Whats going on? My site is Thank you, Chirantha
  11. C

    DNS has Fail but the Apiture is Up!!

    Hi I have x10hosting sever status at Acording to it the Server is up (Ports are opening) but the DNS opening seems to be down. I don't know whats causing this but its good news that the server Apiture is Up (HTTP Port). Also the Mail Ports are working (E-mail is...
  12. C

    MySQL Down!!

    Hi It seems that MySQL is down I am not sure :(. My Cpanel doesn't work too. :(( But HTML pages work just fine THank you, Chirantha
  13. C

    Whats going on with x10hosting?

    Hi I am realy going nuts :ughdance: because I can't view my site. The Server is down and there seems to complanes about Disk Full. :roflwerd: Come on!! I have been realy pashent but it seems to be running out fast. I feir the worse comming :(. I'm scared that x10 will close down. I mean the...
  14. C

    Site Down

    Hi My site is down! :( My Script checked the server and told that http and dns has failed (my script can be executed at Whats going on? why is x10 down EVERY single day. Err... The new site caused a lot of accounts and now look what has happend :( x10's up time...
  15. C

    If x10hosting is down check if it is realy down

    Hi, I have got some scripts and modified them a bit. You can view the server status of x10hosting's server by going to this page It will show FTP, HTTP, POP3 Status of the server. Note: It will take somtime to load because it has to check the server. IF the main...
  16. C

    What happened to x10?

    Hi I noticed that x10hosting was down for the last 5 hours. Frist this forum stop working and then the name servers closed and finly the entire network closed. I noticed this because for the frist 2 hours I was able to access my site via parked domain. I would like to know what happened...
  17. C

    MySQL Down?

    Hi My Forums is down :( Cpanel is also down Please Help THank you CHirantha P.S. HTML Site works grate!
  18. C

    BIG Ad Problem

    HI bigguy just said somthing about Google Ad seen. And he is saying that I don't have any x10 ads. I don't understand whats going on :( Please Help. I just pasted the x10 ad code that all. My site
  19. C

    Down Grade My Cpnael

    Hi Can some one down grade my Cpanel to eler one because the current one can't install Fantatitco on Parked Domains. I hate the new one. Thank you Chirantha
  20. C

    Cpanel Down?

    Hi I can't seem to access my Cpanel but I can access my site. Please Help THank you, Chirantha