Search results

  1. leafypiggy

    Wanna meet my friend named Joe?

    Here's how it works. Each person gets a line. I'll write out the whole thing. "Hello" "My name is Joe" "Hi Joe!" "I got a house" "Nice house" "Three kids, one spouse" "I work." "Where do you work?" "In a button factory." "And one day." "One day" "My boss came up to me and said:" " 'Hey...
  2. leafypiggy

    1000th Post Party

    Well, it's here. My big day. My 1000th post. Yay for spam. ;) you're all invited to the party. However there isn't any food. You can have water. It's at Some Server Lane, port 80, Linux subdomain forums, offtopic city So come on! Let's have a party!! Woooohh!!!!
  3. leafypiggy

    Internal Russ Appreciation Day (IRAD)

    After a long discussion, Paul (Sharky) and I have declared this day, September 16, Internal Russ Appreciation Day. So go on IRC (Link on the navigation) and say Hi to russ_1. He'll appreciate it as much as we appreciate him. HAPPY INTERNAL RUSS APPRECIATION DAY!!! Wait! I wasn't supposed to...
  4. leafypiggy

    BidVertiser Advertising and Publishing

    Hey everyone, I'm not usually one to do this kind of thing, but I'm looking to get some referrals for my Bidvertiser account. Bidvertiser is a great site to advertise and publish other people's ads. You simply sign up, pick your template, and put the ads on your site. The highest bid for one...
  5. leafypiggy

    [JS] Javascript/jQuery fadetoblack-fadetowhite help

    Hey guys, I suck at javascript, just plain horrible at it. I'm working on a client's site, and he want's an effect that I can't get. All the links for the page are contained in the homepage using XMLHTTPRequest in ajax, I got that figured out, but I'm trying to make it so that the content area...
  6. leafypiggy

    VizOxidy Design

    Heyo everyone. Just looking for some comments/critique on this design I did. I've been working on different concepts for the better part of 5 months now, and I think I've hit the nail on the head with this one. It's simple, stylish, and sleek. I think it all plays very nicely into each other...
  7. leafypiggy

    Name My Company

    500 Credits: Name my site Hey all you x10 people. For 500 Credits, give me a professional, good, cool sounding, easy to remember, available name for my Web Design company. Here's a few words I like: Vision Oxygen Green Blue etc. SECONDARY OFFER! If you can split this word...
  8. leafypiggy

    Web Design Prices?

    Hey guys. I'm starting out a Web Design Website, and I need some info/help. I was wondering what the average price was for a web design was. I was thinking of: $18 per hour of work. Plus $15 per page after 10 pages. So like, if the customer wanted 11 pages of stuff: 15 hours @ $18 per...
  9. leafypiggy

    The redesign of the redesign of my site. :x

    More Design ADD. I have designed a new site based on the poll you guys voted in, and combined the best of both of the designs. I'm still working on it, so just don't yell and complain about the colors and stuff. :P
  10. leafypiggy

    Which Design?

    I'm pretty sure I have Design ADD or something... lol Just finished a design yesterday. Did another re-design again. :x :dunno: Here are the two designs: <--- The re-design <--- The Original :) Vote...
  11. leafypiggy

    New Site Design - NeilHanlon.Net

    After thinking a lot, I have decided to re-work my design for my web design site. It will now incorporate a more professional look, as well as better design. :) Here's the link:
  12. leafypiggy

    Spanish Lesson! Diablo = Devil

    Well, I'm sure we all know our good friend diablo from x10. :) I guess his post count fits his name! check it. ;) 666 posts. :o haha. So yeah, diablo is the devil.
  13. leafypiggy


    Based of the CubeEngine, AssaultCube is a First Person Shooter, using new weapons, and awesome graphics. Why am I telling you this? Well, because Corey (AKA God) has started an AC (AssaultCube) Server! You can connect to it by downloading & installing this:
  14. leafypiggy

    Hey everyone. Decided to make a new topic. (The other one had 3 pages) Asking you to review my site. I also have some designs floating around in so take a peek at those as well. I'd like some ideas for how to get more traffic, and...
  15. leafypiggy

    Hanlon Web Design

    Hey guys, wanted you to rate my template. v1: v2 (not completely finished): C&C
  16. leafypiggy

    x10 Radio Contest

    Hey guys, Its DJ Neil. I'm giving away 500 forum credits on x10radio in a few minutes.. Listen in, and you can get 500 credits for the forums! Happy new years! --Neil Edit: Closed
  17. leafypiggy


    Hey guys, I've had my blog up for a while, and wanted to get some input on it. If you could do that, that would be great. And also, suggest some ways to get more traffic. I already have google, msn, and yahoo webmaster tools up and running
  18. leafypiggy


    Yes, it needs to be discussed. It is wrong. Very wrong. Discuss Please. I got this email this morning: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. leafypiggy

    PHP Help

    Hey guys, Really didn't want to do this... but i'm really confused. xD I think i went too in-depth to this. Heres my problem. I'm trying to make personal Highscores for a RuneScape private server that is SQL/IPB integrated. and, i got all the data I need, but I have the...
  20. leafypiggy

    Mod_Security issue

    i get this error when I try to install Dragonfly CMS on my site. here's the 406 error i'm getting. If you could fix it. or tell me what I gotta do. that would be great. Also, on my account. (Leafy) i have a weird DB that i can't do anyhting with...