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  1. leafypiggy

    Adobe photoshop cs4 is here!

    YES! I got the email this morning from adobe. here it is: Heres the direct link: ENJOY! I'm so happy... :D --Neil
  2. leafypiggy

    Joomla being stupid

    Lol.. yeah. Joomla is being stupid My partner tried to upgrade joomla 1.5.6 to 1.5.7, and upon attempting got this: Fatal error: Class 'JApplication' not found in /home/sourmash/public_html/ on line 26 Any ideas? this is...
  3. leafypiggy


    i acidentally signed up for a vps that I dont want. can you cancel it for me? its under the name themasterrocker and the cpanel sourmash. i was just trying to look at somehting. and I acidentally clicked enter. PLEASE CANCEL IT!!!! thanks. Order Number: 1270234598 Invoice #1961 Amount...
  4. leafypiggy

    PHP File Operations Help

    Hey guys, I'm trying to re-work a script written by someone (i forget their name, they are from x10) It gets the current song name and song length and outputs it on an image. Ok, great, however, since the headers are already sent, you can't update the image (i think... lol). I tried to...
  5. leafypiggy

    Fantastico Help

    Hey, I need some help with where Fantastico stores it's registry files. Like, where does it find if you have the script installed or not. I need to know cause it says I have a script installed in my root directory, but I know i dont. --Leafy
  6. leafypiggy

    PHP command creation help

    I need some help with a script I am working on. It is to make a command for a RuneScape Private server. The code output should look like this: if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("userinput") && playerRights >= UserInput ) { addItem("userinput , userinput"); sendMessage("userinput")...
  7. leafypiggy

    can anyone convert a CSS into an IPB skin for me?

    hey. I am a complete noob at skinning, so I was wondering, could anyone perhaps turn this skin into something that IPB could use? /** * Body, general structure */ body { background: #080808; margin: 0; font: 11px tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif...
  8. leafypiggy

    ¿Site Review?

    Hey, just wondering if you could critique my site & forums: Site: Forums: TyVm! --Leafy
  9. leafypiggy

    Cookies help

    Hey, I was wondering how I could set a cookie that redirects a visitor to a homepage after they visit a intro page. Is there a way to do this?
  10. leafypiggy

    Using a owned domain for x10?

    is there any way that I can use my domain, as my primary domain for my account. Is there a easier way than using a addon or parked? Not sure. I have the site pointing at x10 nameservers.
  11. leafypiggy

    Useful tool for programers and coders/webdesigners alike

    I found this program called Programers Notepad. It is really usefull as it parses any computer language, html, php binary, and it even lets you expand and collapse the tags. Like the <head> tag in HTML, you can close that if you just want to see the other tags. it is really cool.. heres the DL...
  12. leafypiggy

    Database Help in cpanel

    I am having a problem with the database list in Cpanel. It says I have when I only created 3. Then i looked into the MYSQL Databases link and it says this for the fourth database: It also says the same thing at the top of the page. Im not on absulote. Cpanel: leafy Domain...
  13. leafypiggy

    Php Help

    I need help with a script that displays my mysql table. I keep getting this error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/leafy/public_html/roster.php on line 31 Here is the code: <?php $username="leafy_admin"; $password="removed"; $database="leafy_roster"...
  14. leafypiggy

    php/mysql help

    I am trying to create a roster and I have a MYSQL DB set up with some info in it. I need to know how to use php to query the DB and get my data? can anyone help me?
  15. leafypiggy

    need help installing ads in joomla

    I followed the instructions for installing the ads in the corporate plan here: , but when I tried to upload the mod from my joomla admin pannel, i recieved an internal server error and a 404 page not found error. I checked...