Search results

  1. Coldfirezz

    The x10 Hosting Game!!! The nex generation of gamming....

    Welcome to the ALL NEW x10 hosting game!!! I have been working on creating a game where you can manage your own hosting company and have to make sure all your servers are working, specs are up to date and so on so forth... I do not have any screen shots of the game because well I have no...
  2. Coldfirezz

    Should x10 close?

    Do you think x10 should close? There are better hosting companies out there! They loose staff all the time. There hosting has more down time than they say. They offer limited space. There staff is only helpful sometimes. And most of all there the best free hosting company out there...
  3. Coldfirezz

    Looking For Coders and Graphic Artists

    I am looking for coders that can help with my RPG project (Serene OverloaD). We use PHP,HTML, CSS and Javascript. We deal with complex code so if you are a beginner then youve come to the right place (As long as you want a challenge). The project is only in its Alpha stages and looks to be very...
  4. Coldfirezz

    [1700 Credits!] 5 Day Contest For Graphics and Layouts (5 Different Requests!)

    Hello Everyone. I am developing a new web based RPG called Serene OverloaD (Link: ) and need a few things (Listed Below) for it. In total there are 1700 credits being offered!!! Price/Request 800 [1st Place] New "Ring" - Read Below For Desciption 200...
  5. Coldfirezz

    700 Credits For New "Ring" (3 Day Contest)

    New Location:
  6. Coldfirezz

    300 Grand Prize For Best Link To Us Buttons (3 Day Contest)

    New Location:
  7. Coldfirezz

    Looking For Help/Staff!!!!!!!

    What is Serene OverloaD? Serene OverloaD is a new and exiting RPG based upon the stories being written by Brendan. If you would like to read the stories go here: Why Help This Project? We are no normal project, we want to...
  8. Coldfirezz

    Too Many Cookies!

    Has anyone else had a problem with having too many cookies, pretty much to the point where some cookies are not set?
  9. Coldfirezz

    Please Review my Game. The more feedback the better!

    I am looking for suggestions on how to improve a web based RPG that I am developing, and writing it all! Any feedback is great. Link: Note: Please login (and most likely register) and give feedback also. Another Note: I am looking for staff so tell me if you...
  10. Coldfirezz

    Need Help With My Login

    My login is here: And every now and then it will either say: This webpage is not available. (Chrome) or the source (FF) and Just doesnt work with IE. Anyone got any ideas? And if you need to see the code just say so. Thanks
  11. Coldfirezz

    Look For Graphic Help For My RPG

    I am currently looking for some help creating characters,weapons and monsters. If you are interested contact me at or leave a post.
  12. Coldfirezz

    Looking for some staff for an RPG.

    I am currently looking for: 1 Web Designer that is familiar with PHP and Javascript A few Garphic Designers that can help make layouts, create monsters and create characters And just anyone that would like to join and promote the website. Thank you all - Coldfirezz
  13. Coldfirezz

    Website Deleted?

    It say Error: The hosting account does not exist. It may have been terminated. can someone help?
  14. Coldfirezz

    New Browser Based Game!

    I am currently developing, with the help of a few others, a game called Serene OverloaD. This game is being developed from scratch, everything from our planned forum to the battle system to our PM system. So come check the new game out at ! Have fun everyone!
  15. Coldfirezz

    The Ultimate Game List

    I have been working on creating a system that allows members of my forum to add games to my list of games(To be uploaded). I am looking for some help gathering and adding games to my list. You can see my UGL here:
  16. Coldfirezz

    Need some thoughts on my new design.

    I have totally redesigned my website and want some feedback. I also want some feedback on the new theme I am creating called Abstract Caution. Website link: Theme Slide show:
  17. Coldfirezz

    Making Avatars!

    I will be making avatars for those who want them. My work:
  18. Coldfirezz

    Why x10 sucks...

    Got ya! x10 does not suck in any way shape or form. It is the best free hosting out there! I have no plans of switching to another host for a very very long time. Thanks for hosting me! Have fun everyone! ~Coldfirezz~
  19. Coldfirezz

    Easy 45 Credits!

    How to earn 45 credits: Add my banner to your signature for 2 months(Must include link!) (35) Join my forum (5) Post in the introduction Section of the forum (Must be at least 1 Paragraph long (Non-Spam) (5) So what are you waiting for?
  20. Coldfirezz

    Super Easy 35 Credits!

    All you have to do to get 35 credits is to add my banner(The Code) to you sig and keep it there for 2 months! Code: [ URL=""][IMG][ /IMG][ /URL] (Delete spaces after [)