Search results

  1. Coldfirezz

    Super Easy 25 Credits!

    Super Easy 35 Credits! All you have to do to get 35 credits is to add my banner(The Code) to you sig and keep it there for 2 months! Code: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Wire Overload"...
  2. Coldfirezz

    Best Quote

    What do you think the best quote is? Mine: "When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die"
  3. Coldfirezz

    Looking For Some Feedback on My Updated Forum

    I am looking for some feedback on how my forum is so please look at it and give me some advise! Thank You!
  4. Coldfirezz

    Bunch of Useless Statistics! Enjoy!

    The only man-made structure visible from space is the Great Wall of China. If you divide the Great Pyramid's perimeter by two times it's height, you get pi to the ffifteenth digit!. A piece of paper can be folded no more then 9 times. The RAM required to run WordPerfect for Win95 is 8 times the...
  5. Coldfirezz

    Hands Held High by Linkin Park (One of the best songs ever!)

    When the rich wage war it's the poor who die. A must music video that you must watch and listen too! It is so powerful that every time I listen to it I have to listen to it like 5 times. So please listen and watch this and tell me what you think.
  6. Coldfirezz

    What are you listening to?

    What are you listening to? Me: Nothing lol
  7. Coldfirezz

    Dirt Cheap Advertising!

    Banner- 30 Credits (3 Months) Text - 15 Credits (3 Months) Banners:Please Leave The Link to the picture and link to the site for Banners Text: Please Leave your site link (If you would link the text to be the name of your site instead of just the link tell me!) Note: No size requirements for...
  8. Coldfirezz

    Advertise On my website!

    I will be adding peoples websites her: for 25 credits (Banner and 3 months) 10 credits (Text and 3 months)
  9. Coldfirezz

    Money vs Happiness

    What would you rather have Money or Happiness? If you choose money you will not be happy at all! Me: Happiness
  10. Coldfirezz

    Please Review My Site!

    Please review my forum and a design I have for Serene Adventures! (Forum) (Homepage) Thank You!
  11. Coldfirezz

    Best Song?

    What do you think the best song is? Also Post here: You tube Music Directory: Right now for me: Life is a Highway
  12. Coldfirezz

    Laptop Or Desktop

    Which do you have? Which do you use most?
  13. Coldfirezz

    Xbox Theif Gets Owned!

    Xbox thief gets owned! Check it out on my forum!
  14. Coldfirezz

    Ultimate game list!

    I am currently working on a list of every game ever made so if you know of any games post them here or on my forum! The list is here:
  15. Coldfirezz

    Halo3 vs Call of Duty 4

    Come vote on my forum also!
  16. Coldfirezz

    Microsofts Xbox April Fools!

    Come Check out the new Wireless, Vintage Xbox 360, Xbox Live Board Game and The New Xbox 360 Recon Edition!
  17. Coldfirezz

    IE vs Fire Fox?

    IE vs Firefox? Which One Do You Think Is Better?
  18. Coldfirezz

    Come check out my Technology Forum! Please leave comments! Thank You! Have Fun Everyone!
  19. Coldfirezz

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello Everyone! Come check my profile (still being worked on): Come join Wire Overload today and come talk about all your most favorite Tech stuff!