Super Easy 35 Credits!
All you have to do to get 35 credits is to add my banner(The Code) to you sig and keep it there for 2 months!
Code: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Wire Overload"...
The only man-made structure visible from space is the Great Wall of China.
If you divide the Great Pyramid's perimeter by two times it's height, you get pi to the ffifteenth digit!.
A piece of paper can be folded no more then 9 times.
The RAM required to run WordPerfect for Win95 is 8 times the...
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.
A must music video that you must watch and listen too! It is so powerful that every time I listen to it I have to listen to it like 5 times. So please listen and watch this and tell me what you think.
Banner- 30 Credits (3 Months)
Text - 15 Credits (3 Months)
Banners:Please Leave The Link to the picture and link to the site for Banners
Text: Please Leave your site link (If you would link the text to be the name of your site instead of just the link tell me!)
Note: No size requirements for...
I will be adding peoples websites her: for 25 credits (Banner and 3 months) 10 credits (Text and 3 months)
Please review my forum and a design I have for Serene Adventures! (Forum) (Homepage)
Thank You!
What do you think the best song is?
Also Post here:
You tube Music Directory:
Right now for me: Life is a Highway
I am currently working on a list of every game ever made so if you know of any games post them here or on my forum!
The list is here:
Come Check out the new Wireless, Vintage Xbox 360, Xbox Live Board Game and The New Xbox 360 Recon Edition!
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Come check my profile (still being worked on):
Come join Wire Overload today and come talk about all your most favorite Tech stuff!