Search results

  1. E

    [OFF][100 Credits] Cheap Banners

    I can make some pretty good banners and such..with photoshop for like 100 credits each... Not top of the line ones..but pretty decent ones.. Lemme know if you are interested...
  2. E

    Need Help can't delete a folder!!

    I would make a back up of the whole folder..delete..and restore it..simple plan and might just work...
  3. E

    Photoshop CS3

    What are your comments on the program called Adobe Photoshop CS3? I use it in school and I use it at home :thefinger I torrented it so it was free for me and I wont even come close to paying 640 bucks for a program...lolz post your comments about it simple and easy program to use and it can be...
  4. E

    Anyone use Dreamweaver?

    I torrented it..only because I will not be paying 640 USD for the program... And it isnt anything special..just makes the whole thing alot easier..but you can't customize it as much as you would like unless you put it into code which then dreamweaver wouldnt display it right in the...
  5. E

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    I have used Dreamweaver and it is good when it comes to syntax errors and creating really simple but neat sites.. Such as a Jumpmenu and inline frames <iframe name="I1" width="714" height="581" src="your_initial_page.html" border="0" frameborder="0"> Your browser does not support inline...
  6. E

    PHP Include, file help!

    Why use HTML inside of PHP when you can simply use PHP through out? such as this <?php include "header.php"; include "w/e.php"; include "file.html"; ?> ' something like that is super simple
  7. E

    Chrome launched by Google

    I don't think that we need any more browsers..but it's google so what can you expect..they are coming out with just about everything.. I wont be surprised if they start making computer towers here soon and such things of the same sort.. But the browser is a good loads up quick but can be...
  8. E

    xHtml or Html

    I would definatly have to agree... XHTMl is alot more organized..but it takes alot longer to type :lockd: But it is more efficient than regular HTML...especially after you are is easier to add more to it..and it is easier to stick more PHP into your browser and such.. Thats my...
  9. E

    Ways to promote your site without paying money

    Traffic exchanges... Click no ads..and exchange the credits you get for exposures..
  10. E

    Nvu or Dreamweaver?

    I used regular Notepad... Simple enough..but if I had to choose between the two..I would choose dreamweaver... It is alot more simpler..and can create simple and yet complicated websites..but the coding is very unsecure compared to NVU.. I torrented it..and I would say dreamweaver is better and...
  11. E

    Need help- Will pay

    First of all you do not need 3 $_POST actions <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","conmiro_conmiro","***** ***********"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); mysql_query("INSERT INTO websites (sitename, description, email)...
  12. E

    x10Hosting Double Everything Special!

    How long will this deal be going on?
  13. E

    [OFF] Banner spots for rent

    Uhm..way to high of prices... Should be like 100 per month or 50 per month.. If you think that the site deserves 600 credits per week post some pics on some major bandwidth usage... Thanks
  14. E

    Microsoft vs. The World

    I love Microsoft..I really have never had any problems with them..Except for the browser... Lolz Im out
  15. E

    Internet Explorer Vs. FireFox

    Firefox is alot faster when it comes to browsing..and it displays web pages more properly when it comes to PHP and HTML and other programming languages... Firefox is..and always has and will be better =D Im out
  16. E

    [offr]50 points for just two posts

    Finished..posted in the PHP section and in the Flash games section.. I do plan on sticking around in your forum..looks like it will be a success :D User name is Exemption..Hope to see my credits soon! Thanks and I am out!
  17. E

    [req][50 creds] for signing up

    Re: 50 creds for signing up Unable to register...Brings me to the directory of your files...
  18. E

    [off][2000 credits]Selling domains for points

    Re: Selling domains for points Thats cool that you are doing this..but I dont have 2,000 credits :(
  19. E

    [OFF] Need Flash Rotation of Earth

    Hey all I am in school and I would like to present a Flash file of earths rotation... Has to be lifelike...not a movie..flash file..that is already embedded... I am in web design..and majorly showing off :D Lol Well if you can get me one..or make one I will pay 150 credits..Thanks!
  20. E

    [REQ][50 CREDITS]Comment on my blog confirmation email.. I do like the layout its nice..but the site is a bit un-secure >.<