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  1. E

    Self Destruction?

    The human race.. I do believe is indeed a self-destructive race..We are ignorant when we know gas is low..and something same of the sort...We have no remorse for mistakes we do..most of us dont even recognize when we make a mistake..We want to do something about our crisis..but no action is...
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    [OFF][20-50 credits]Give me a suggestion

    You should make a PHP validator..something that makes sure that PHP coding is correct...
  3. E

    [OFF] 480x260 Banner Needed For Ads..

    Hey all I need a good javascript banner..that I can use for advertisements... Something for the theme of crime.. For my game >.< Glock City Check it out..think of something..make something..and if I like it..Ill pay 100 credits... Thanks much!
  4. E

    Favourite Artists

    Tupac Eminem The Game Snoop Dogg Proof Top to Bottom Tupac my number one
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    What exactly are credits?

    Oh thats pretty sweet :D I can't wait till it's back up >.<
  6. E

    What exactly are credits?

    I havent really figured out the relevance of credits either... But I use them to pay people for a good banners and such
  7. E

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D

    <?php echo "<table>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Band</th><th>Song</th><th>etc...</th><th>Request</th>"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM Songs"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['bandName'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['songName']...
  8. E

    My Website...Online Game built With PHP

    I wanted to post my website... Check it out.. I just made it..and will be giving away big time credits if you decide to actually play and bring in referrals.. So yea Lol Check it out..gimme some suggestions Glock City A online multiplayer game built with PHP Thanks all Edit: On register use...
  9. E

    [REQ][20 Creds] Post a suggestion on my forum

    Put a programming section as well..for HTML..PHP..things like that.. I am awesome in if you need a staff member hit me up..
  10. E

    Review My Website

    The forum is pretty neat...nice graphics..and I do think it is a user friendly environment..Should be a good success. Nice work!
  11. E

    Creating embeddable content.

    A good place to learn would be BUT You could use a media player plugin..which you just embed the player..and upload the song to the embedded player
  12. E

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D

    Well... Then your broadcaster had better be able to play multiple songs... Or you could do something like <a href='listmotcrueone.php?listen=1'>Motley Crue~One</a> But if you were to have that you would have to have something like a plugin for the 'listmotcrueone.php' file Such as <?php...
  13. E

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D could write a script so that you can insert songs direct from your shoutcast or w/e you use.. Like a song upload..and then you create the custom playlist.. But I am not sure of what you want..
  14. E

    need someone to do me a mySQL table, for credits :D

    Well it depends on what you need.. CREATE TABLE `cashxferlogs` ( `song` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `which` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `what` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `cxVALUE` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `cxTIME` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `cxFROMIP`...
  15. E

    [Game Programming] Highlander

    Im good with PHP, CSS, AJAX..Gimme a holler by PM or Thanks..
  16. E

    [off][100 credits]486x60 Ad Space on my Web

    Re: 486x60 Ad Space on my Web Alright..I'll say 20 credits a month..since my site has barely any users.. and yea it is Glock City 20 credits per month
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    x10Hosting Ads

    Thanks much for the heads up!
  18. E

    Hello All!

    Thanks dude! Hope to see you around!
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    Count to 1 Million

  20. E

    McCAIN Vs. Obama

    I do have to say that if Obama is president..we most certainly will be bombed like Hiroshima... We need those troops in there..they are making sure that we dont get bombed and such.. The Iraqians or w/e are acting like they are afraid..they are conspiring against us all the time... McCain...