Search results

  1. xmakina

    Corey Got married!!

    Congrats corey. Pics or it didn't happen :P
  2. xmakina

    Please review...

    The logo and navigation have fallen out of the page. If you're going for that paper-background look, keep everything on it. It looks very unprofessional. Speak of the nav, white on light grey is bloody hard to read. The spacers look like the boxes you get when an image fails to load. Probably...
  3. xmakina

    Need help

    Starting right from the basics? Wow. Hmmm. This forum is more aimed at specific help but here goes. First establish your site in your head. What does it do? Why will people use it? How will it look? These and many other questions should be answered before you even create index.htm Then learn a...
  4. xmakina

    I need help

    Post the code please.
  5. xmakina

    If you have the time, I'd love to hear your comments.

    It's okay but a little too simple. Times new roman is a Huge no-no on webpages, it's just so damn dull. Change the font to arial or verdana. The simple colour scheme works well enough, but perhaps adding a little colour wouldn't hurt? Solid white is very 1999, even just a faint colour as the...
  6. xmakina


    Consider, rather than a background song, use a player (flash or wmp) instead. That way users can choose to have the music playing or not. Also - don't forget some users will be running with noscript so if your music is hidden away it won't play and the user won't be able to start it!
  7. xmakina

    Found it!

    Can you say which one so users looking in the future don't have to ask?
  8. xmakina

    lion in matrix

    But that the error was pointed out is proof that the message at the bottom is not sufficent. Consider moving the "Designed for" message higher up the page.
  9. xmakina

    Translating a site ?

    You cannot specifically force it - but here's a trick:<RESULT_LANGUAGE>&sl=<SOURCE_LANGUAGE>&u=<URL> Just replace with country codes (en = english, fr = french and you'll have to test yourself for the other codes) Example...
  10. xmakina

    how do u guys like this??

    It's so-so. The middle bit (with the text and pumpkin) face is really cool but the sides (witch and moon) look really... crap. It's like a bad cut and paste job with yellow blobs. Honestly, you'd have been better with the themes original backdrop :P For other reviewers (in case you miss it)...
  11. xmakina

    Searchable Music Library Catalog

    Clicking the column header is always intuitive.
  12. xmakina

    New wordpress template, please review!

    Very nice template. I would probably avoid black text on a grey background, however, as colour blind users may struggle with that.
  13. xmakina

    Call to function from action attribute of form tag

    not like javascript, no. BUT you can make a hidden input containing the action and then an IF statement in the PHP file. I do that a lot with my scripts (keeps the user on one page but does 2 or 3 different things) <form action="response.php" method="GET"> <input name="action"...
  14. xmakina


    Basically, during the cold war the yanks didn't want the russians getting their hands on american encryption algorithms. Encryption is, for most governments, treated the same way as guns with restrictive export laws and certain types being illegal for certain situations. Since 2000 though...
  15. xmakina

    html rounded borders and IE

    leafpiggy - save it for the "Review My Site" section :P