Search results

  1. xmakina

    Selection box size

    <select size="10">
  2. xmakina

    In Your Opinion- The Best Social Network?

    I'm a facebooker personally. The layout is clean, simple and with the new look it's impossible for someones profile to bring your browser to a halt with tons of videos and gifs etc. I used to use MySpace. It's strongest asset is also it's biggest liability and that's the sheer amount you can...
  3. xmakina

    PHP login/register form help

    Post again to explain how you solved the problem so future users don't have to ask :)
  4. xmakina


    Have you looked? What tools have you tried so far? Surely you've at least googled it or looked to see what other sites have used...
  5. xmakina

    java help with codes (please)..

    In the nicest possible way, do your own damn homework. And next time you have some Real Java code that doesn't compile, tell us the compile error since we don't want to have to read your whole script when it's probably just a semicolon that anyone who can read debug messages will know in a...
  6. xmakina

    Desktops vs Laptops: Which do you prefer?

    I prefer a desktop in nearly every context except travelling. Even then the only real place to use a laptop is on the train, with a plug and table. A desktop can pack much more powerful hardware, they're easier to repair/mod/upgrade and they can take a lot more usage than a laptop. Also, I've...
  7. xmakina

    x10 Goes Surfing?

  8. xmakina

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    I have a sneaky feeling that's not what is being gone for. Have you tried to get on a broswer game whilst it's been down for maintenance? Torn City and Kingdom of Loathing both do it - the whole site shuts down for about 30 minutes a night to do all the server processes. Anyone trying to play...
  9. xmakina

    Tips to secure home wireless connection

    What about MAC Filtering? Running encrpypted wireless can mean a 30% slowdown, so if you're not transmitting secure data (i.e. you're at home and not work) is it worth mac filtering rather than encryption to make the most of this extra 30%?
  10. xmakina

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    If you're going to run with that idea, you don't even need it to be just true/false. If you used numbers you could set explanation pages. E.g. 0 = all fine, page loads as expected 1 = Scheduled maintenance 2 = Unscheduled maintenance 3 = In development / Under construction etc. etc. You could...
  11. xmakina

    Monitoring Server Usage

    So my site is coming along nicely but I've got a little niggle in the back of my mind. Let's say my site became popular. At the index page for each user an SQL query is run that essentially inner joins the entire database to show them the information they need. I can imagine that on a popular...
  12. xmakina

    x10 Goes Surfing?

    <!-- I enjoy surfing, on the seaaaaa --> <!-- WEeeeeeee seeaaaa surfing, ahhoyy-->I can't help but ask, why?
  13. xmakina

    PHP - MySQL

    if($_POST['table']!=NULL || $_POST['table']!="") { mysql_select_db("REMOVED_FOR_SECRUITY_ISSUES", $con); $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$_POST['table']." (".$_POST['c1'].", ".$_POST['c2'].", ".$_POST['c3'].", ".$_POST['c4'].", ".$_POST['c5'].", ".$_POST['c6'].", ".$_POST['c7']."...
  14. xmakina

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    It's more of a hack than a fix, but assuming you have an include(header.php) or similar throughout your site, you could add in a line to the header that reads an entry in the database (SELECT active FROM website) and if(active == false) //show Site Closed It's just a thought until someone...
  15. xmakina

    Javascript form to PHP

    Will it pass verification if you use <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
  16. xmakina

    Review my webpage

    A simple "Skip Intro" link will do nicely. Of course, if it's so unnessecary you have to ask the user if they even want to watch, why is it even there? Too much space given to the header. It could easily stop at the bottom of the logo but goes on a fair bit longer. (C) 2007? We've nearly...
  17. xmakina

    Pls review my forum site

    Dark red on dark grey? Even I had to squint to read that. Even then it was gibberish. So I get to your forum and the first thing I do is squint to read gibberish. A terrible first impression. It looks like some kind of black metal band site. All the red and black with the font to match. It even...
  18. xmakina

    Review my site

    Layout (FF3): Make the logo bg match the cell it's in. It's very clear where the logo stops. Administrator button is a big no-no. The search box is right against the planet image. It looks like you've just popped it into the template. Add some padding or at least a <br /> There's some weird...
  19. xmakina

    PHP - MySQL

    Might I recommend you make the same file with .php as well so we can see the code and the results?
  20. xmakina

    PHP problem (please help soon!)

    Reply to the thread saying you've fixed it. It's very easy to miss that last line. Also - how did you fix it?