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  1. xmakina

    PHP Screwing Up

    because require isn't the same as include. Require will fail the whole page if it can't load the file, include will just produce an error. Although it's bizarre that require works when include doesn't....
  2. xmakina

    Problem with joomla

    Upgrade your PHP account at
  3. xmakina

    Tafe Student - Streeware clothing site

    It's okay, although asking people to review your homework seems... pointless. Regardless - the only thing I'd change is the "Save 20%" advert. Get rid of the goofy guy (remember you're telling users "This is what kind of people use our site") and make the whole banner clickable, not just a segment.
  4. xmakina


    If you want, you can get PHP to generate the images for you. Then you just need to store the strings in a $_SESSION variable. provides info on how to generate a captcha, just remove the code that adds all the obfucstication (lines)!
  5. xmakina

    BandTrack (Facebook App)

    Hey all. Since I joined I've been working almost feverishly to get this app out. I'd like you all to have a play with it and let me know what you think. BandTrack enables users from England, Scotland and Wales to specify their favorite bands and the towns/cities they can get to. It then takes...
  6. xmakina Introspective thoughts from Japan

    I wasn't challenging the integrity, I was telling you why I've not upgraded my version of IE. But, like tittat, I only use it for testing purposes. FF3 all the way :)
  7. xmakina

    Change once, changee all...

    What you want is PHP include or require. These commands allow you to place one file into another. Example: You want a standard header and title in every page: Put in your page: <?php include("title.php"); ?> Then create a file called "title.php" (for this example at least) and place...
  8. xmakina

    New PHP/JS Hybrid Game

    There's not much there so not much to review. It's got a lot of promise. Perhaps you can look into someway to stop the all the images re-loading when the map changes? It looks a little weird watching the grid populate.
  9. xmakina


    You need to upgrade your PHP to intermediate to use mail(). Do this on your x10 account page (
  10. xmakina

    PHP Screwing Up

    Your src has two /'s The error is probably in "thefile.php". Put lots of echos after each line and look for when the echos stop. Check your filepaths as well
  11. xmakina Introspective thoughts from Japan

    I use IE6 because IE7 is an enormous resource hog. It may be older but that doesn't make it worse.
  12. xmakina

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    I'm putting together a facebook application. If it's popular I'll turn it into its own website :)
  13. xmakina

    Monitoring Server Usage

    I'm almost offended by the claim I do Table1.* :P Yes, it is all server side. That's why cPanel was useless. I'm not fussed about how much the server pushes out, I know that and I can refine that down easilly if needed. My concern is the one stat I can't track, which is server usage/load. My...
  14. xmakina

    What do you think of my website and the idea behing it

    Who are Chromatophore? I thought this was It *seems* like agood idea but I still have all my original reservations. You are entering a very big market as a very small fish. I hope you have a lot of money to spend on advertising becuase you're up against MySpace and Facebook...
  15. xmakina

    I would like some feedback on my site please

    Layout scheme and content all fine. Get's a bit squished if the browser isn't maximised but it's a minor issue. The only real suggestion I have is make the images open in a new window so I can keep reading whilst the image loads. Any maybe colour your AdSense box in to match your own sites...
  16. xmakina

    Constructive Feedback Please

    Very good layout and colour scheme. No real problems in that respect. It's strange your content is in a frame, though. It looks like the whole thing is a front to some other website. *Not* a good way to build trust. Your biggest problem is content. Users are, for the most part, very skeptical...
  17. xmakina

    Selection box size

    I have no reason to think this is possible. The *only* attribute in the <select> tag that relates to rows shown is the size one. It's a bit of an omission on the w3c's side but it sadly means there's no way to regulate the option list length. You *may* want to try building a custom object but...
  18. xmakina

    Monitoring Server Usage

    First the whole database is only 11 tables and it only exists to serve the websites purpose. I have to inner join the lot because I need all that information. There's nothing extraneous, I'm a software engineer in training so I know to strip things down to their minimum. I'd rather not divulge...
  19. xmakina

    Selection box size

    I don't think you can. Firefox only uses just over half the page. I tried iframe and that didn't help. Just another way IE sucks I think. Sorry :S
  20. xmakina

    Please Review My Site

    Given the lack of graphics I'm going to suggest it's the server. I get it too, when the whole thing runs slow and FTP timeouts. A price you have to pay for free hosting.