Search results

  1. xmakina

    javascript help - window width

    yes - auto centres the div. I'm just thinking you should avoid JScript where possible as people like myself use NoScript a lot and it can really cause a site to look awful if the developer loves their JScript
  2. xmakina

    Mysql help for phpBB mod

    You've lost me. Config for what? Who is they? Why does ACP come into this?
  3. xmakina

    Please. I need someone to rete this " Under costruction" Page.

    It's image heavy and considering all it says is "Under Construction" that's actually quite annoying. Something to consider is a lot of people use capped internet, that is they can only download 2GB of data a month. A page like yours is pretty damn annoying. Don't get my wrong, it looks great...
  4. xmakina

    Make Login Page

    Ah you see you didn't say you had a problem already. You're opening post reads to me as "I want login page. You make me one." and that seriously peeves me off. What is the exact error? Remember, database names have your x10 username first (see exactly what it's called in phpMyAdmin).
  5. xmakina

    javascript help - window width

    Just usepadding:auto;
  6. xmakina

    javascript help - window width

    If this is for a CSS Div might I recommend you do away with it? CSS can use percentages for width, you know, and then the browser will adjust if the window size is changed. I'm guessing you want a box with some border around it, usediv#container{ padding:25px; background-color:red; }...
  7. xmakina

    [!!] Gathering MMORPG programing team [!!]

    I'm experienced in PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS. If you want to see some of my finest work go check out BandTrack ( I worked with SQL designing a database that is now used by a blue chip company to power their manufacturing assessments and it has been used as...
  8. xmakina

    Mysql help for phpBB mod

    This really isn't an SQL thing. MySQL is simply a database, it can't actively fill itself. I'd be interested in the solution as I'm looking to put together something similar but in the meantime I recommend you investigate CRON Jobs, they're possibly what you're after. Execute a script at...
  9. xmakina

    My New Site - Free Gifts

    Change the title text to reflect the spelling throughout the site (MyiStop.Net) as MYISTOP reads "my is top" as opposed to My iStop Give & Get imply that everyone who offers an idea will get a domain name. Change get to win. Also, how many days are left? The tags at the top of the post stink...
  10. xmakina

    only main page, please review

    Getting a connection refused error right now. Also - my res is 1280*1024
  11. xmakina

    Aviation Photography - How does my site stack up?

    The site "bleeds" off to the right and without any scroll bars it can be very confusing to look at. The galleries are fine although a brief instruction guide (certainly explain what icon puts it into "filmstrip" mode) wouldn't go amiss. Also, put some information on your pictures such as what...
  12. xmakina

    How did you learn PHP

    It may seem a bit much, but in my experience installing Apache, MySQL and PHP onto your own machine is a nightmare and also things get a little weird when working off localhost. Also, with VMware, you can take a snapshot when everything is working and if you break something down the line you...
  13. xmakina

    php sessions not working?

    Have you upgraded from basic? That could be the problem. It's certainly not x10's servers as I've never had a problem with Sessions before.
  14. xmakina

    Artist website for review

    I just wanted it noted that I knew that, I was just saying that that is the feeling I got when I saw your photo in such sharp contrast to the rest of the site.
  15. xmakina

    User Page

    Er... what? You can't have a page without, well, having a page. And you certainly can't have users without storing their information in a database. You don't have anything and you don't want to make anything yet you do want something. It's not so much your web expertise as your grip on reality...
  16. xmakina

    Artist website for review

    It's 1024x768, not 758 Your profile picture is a stark change from the rest of the site. It might be worth you getting a picture that fits with the theme. The contrast is stark enough to suggest the site is just a template you stole and stuck your photo on. Not cool :( Portfolio is a "GOD NO"...
  17. xmakina

    only main page, please review

    The red is brutal on the eyes. A little bit of red is good in any website as it grabs the attention but so much is just awful. Alternating between striped and faded is also a little harsh and makes the experience that bit more unpleasant. Also, your fixed layout meant viewing the page in a...
  18. xmakina

    Love Literature

    Looks good, but you've got a greater challenge than how it looks. As you've gone for a writing forum you're going to have to come up with some kind of policy when it comes to content. For example, Quizilla is awful on the eyes *but* it's incredibly popular as just about anything goes...
  19. xmakina

    hi there

    Intro's are a real no-no in my opinion. They're not needed and every time a user has to click they could click away from your site. It looks very cool though. Do you have permission to use those videos?
  20. xmakina

    A wordpress site of mine

    0/10 It's a template and you *still* managed to break it. All that is written is "Not Found" and the bottom bar is just hysterical. I quote Screen shot included for proof. There's no content, there's not even an about page (it's just the default page). All I can conclude is you somehow...