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  1. xmakina

    Code snippet examples

    What might work just as well is some kind of prompt about "CHECK W3SCHOOLS FIRST" as 9 times out of 10 all newbie questions can be answered with that statement.
  2. xmakina

    PHP: Sort items at command?

    Easily. (this is lifted from my own site so you'll have to change it to fit your own) Build your SQL query then if($_GET['sortBy'] != null){ $sql .= " ORDER BY " . $_GET['sortBy']; } else { $sql .= " ORDER BY BandList.gigDate"; } And at the top of your table put:echo "<tr>"...
  3. xmakina

    Ckeck out my website

    Although the theme is quite nice, there's nothing really to this website. There's no clear purpose, nothing of interest and you come across as a bit of a jerk with this whole "I'M THE BOSS" rubbish. Remember, most folks hate their boss. 3/10
  4. xmakina

    Old school, innit?

    Why not try it yourself? You can test HTML and CSS without even using a website, just open the file in your brower :)
  5. xmakina

    PHP Help

    It strikes me as odd that *nowhere* does the word INF appear in your scripts, yet that is what is shown on Aarons attack level. Your problem probably exists around there. Here's a thought: at the line $a += floor($x+300*pow(2, ($x/7))); add a check to ensure $x > 0 as this is the only place an...
  6. xmakina

    Tick marks

    Oh. I thought you meant ticks as in the mark you put against something correct. You meant grid lines. And I have no idea. You're going to need some kind of dedicated chart drawing package. The only other thing I can think of is something in flash still or *perhaps* use the PHP image creator but...
  7. xmakina


    Javascript, buddy. You *could* program your PHP code to output JavaScript, but that's about it. PHP is Server Side, it takes input (page requests, POSTs etc.) and makes output (the page you see). The only interaction with the user is through what the browser sends and recieves. Javascript...
  8. xmakina

    this is my web, VERY NICE ONE...have a look

    Warhammer is not Spore. Change that game guide image :P What purpose does the clock serve? The design and layout are fine. The only concern is *what* the site is about. It seems to be a hardware review site given the current content, but includes lots of game images. 7/10 - Now focus or...
  9. xmakina

    Review My Site

    Very clean, very clear. Strong focus, elegant design, good colour contrast, all original content. As far as blogs go, 10/10. Easily :)
  10. xmakina

    CSS Positioning Help

    And of course you can always <br /> between divs.
  11. xmakina

    PHP: Registration Help with AJAX

    Er... it should. I suggested the name change as I suspect your check page is not, in fact, returning "Not Available" due to the "'s in the span tag and so your script isn't behaving as it should.
  12. xmakina

    PHP: Registration Help with AJAX

    change: echo '' . $user . ' is <span style="color:#CC0000">Not Available!</span>'; to echo "$user is <span style=\"color:#CC0000\">Not Available!</span>"; and see if it works now.
  13. xmakina

    HELP! Adding data on my database tables...

    Something to keep in mind whilst you're still a beginner, when in doubt: w3schools.
  14. xmakina

    CSS Positioning Help

    I cannot recommend this page enough And a basic CSS template for you: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body{ background-color:lightblue; } div#container{ /*The whole page is held in...
  15. xmakina

    PHP: Registration Help with AJAX

    And what happens when it runs? Where do you suspect the error is?
  16. xmakina

    Tick marks

    Flash is probably your best option. That or javascript.
  17. xmakina

    [!!] Gathering MMORPG programing team [!!]

    I'm becoming more and more skeptical about this. Olliepop is barely online. If he hopes to manage a dev team with such low internet activity he's being very naieve...
  18. xmakina

    PHP Help

    If you're getting a "takes too long" error, try putting LIMIT 0, 10 at the end of your SQL. That will only pull the first 10 entries. I don't know how big your userbase is so this may not be the problem but it's a thought.
  19. xmakina

    Publicizing my site

    Tip top. There's been a lot worse posted here. It's clear, concise, well formatted, focused, provides the flash/html option. 10/10 :)
  20. xmakina

    BandTrack (Facebook App)

    Last bump, I promise. I really would appreciate some feedback on the application.