Search results

  1. xmakina

    Favourite Star Trek Captain

    It's a very tough call between Picard and Janeway (I never cared for the other series of Star Trek). Picard had to deal with some pretty major problems and made a lot more first contacts, but Janeway had a very difficult task of being stranded alone in an uncharted part of space. I think it's a...
  2. xmakina

    Please Check Out My Site

    Your layout is very cluttered. I see 2 areas for content on each page, never a good thing. Content should always appear in one place and that place should be the centre of the screen. The wording throughout is confusing. Some pages read like a company (namely you have Products and Services...
  3. xmakina

    Please check out and rate my site!

    Your submission form has a very confusing layout. It reads <item><box> and then <explanation> underneath. This results in it looking like the explanation is for the box below. With no borders this problem is amplified. My idea was to use a picture of ? beside the <item> which contains the...
  4. xmakina

    Please check out and rate my site!

    It's not very intuitive. The offer to submit your idea followed by a text box looks like it's the submission box :/ Are you some kind Venture Capital group, asking for ideas straight away? But then you ask for donations. If I'm giving you my ideas why should I give you my money? Why am I...
  5. xmakina

    only main page, please review

    It's still far too bold. And still too many gradients. Stop the stripy background, make it a much lighter blue and make the gradients match (all fading in or out as they get lower down the page)
  6. xmakina

    open source tools

    Just hopping back to a question that's gone unanswered so far: im currently looking for excellent open source tools for development.. There may be a few IDE's but invaribly, as nice as open source is in theory, quality products are usually few and far between. If you don't need a full IDE, my...
  7. xmakina

    Please review

    Why waste time? You could just have a simple banner saying advertise here that is either a straight to email link or to another page on your site with details on how to submit an advert for your site.
  8. xmakina

    Please review

    The shot of the sun in your banner is oddly distracting. The title font is quite difficult to read, both green on blue and the font is very difficult IE shows alt text on hover. This is not how alt text is meant to be used. It's meant to be an Alternatvie to the image. To make the same thing...
  9. xmakina

    Serenity Labs

    Why an underground look with grass and insects on a technology blog? It's clearly a slapped together wordpress. What am I even reviewing here? You're credibility is ruined with stuff like "<<Epic Fail!!" You sound like some trumped up 13 year old who is "4chan is lololol". The last person I...
  10. xmakina

    Review rsginternational

    Thumbnails should be the size they are displayed at, not huge pictures reduced with the <img> tag An enourmous GIF as your header cripples download times. The page is huge, even on 1024x768 it falls off the screen It's clearly a template site. Why do you have adverts on a website only you...
  11. xmakina

    Please help me!

    Just don't forget that server side content (PHP, ASP etc.) content won't work offline :P
  12. xmakina

    open source tools

    I'd take VB off that list, it's MS only last I checked. Why the "no virtual machine" limit? Seems very odd as it's the easiest way to cross-platform code without dozens of recompiles. C and C++ are probably the most supported languages when it comes to the differen't OS' in the world.
  13. xmakina

    Update Form not submitting

    Interesting. Add to your error reporting the $query variable. Take that output and run it in the phpMyAdmin SQL area, it'll provide you with a more descriptive error and you can also edit the query faster.
  14. xmakina

    Absolut Server Load

    So Absolut isn't working, I checked the server load: 250.46!! I really hope you guys find out who's battering your server soon
  15. xmakina

    My New Site - Free Gifts

    The best advert by far is word of mouth. Provide a quality product and friends will tell friends. Of course, WOM doesn't work for everyone so here's a few ideas: Banner Exchanges Social Networks (Facebook Pages, MySpace etc.) Search Engine Optimisation, although Google seems to put a LOT more...
  16. xmakina

    Make Login Page

    I realise that - I was explaining my outburst as that's how your post read to *me* Although I'm glad you fixed the problem. Shame you didn't find out what was causing it though, would have been good to learn from :)
  17. xmakina

    need a script for auto update points

    Go look up CRON Jobs for things that need to happen regularly :)
  18. xmakina

    PHP vs. ASP

    I've no experience with ASP, but I do know this would probably be better placed in the Programming board.
  19. xmakina

    My New Site - Free Gifts

    Just check over your privacy policy - still variations in the casings. I get two different pages if I click on the logo or the home button. The logo looks a lot better now, very cool. If nothing else put a direct email address on the contact us page ( would do...
  20. xmakina

    Make Login Page

    I chastised you for the following comments "i want to make a login page for my site but i dont know where to start" and "how do you create and add data to this database and get the login page to work". These are synonymous with "I can't be arsed to actually teach myself these things, do it for...