Search results

  1. roby718

    My Website preview

    wrong forum section
  2. roby718

    Please review my site.

    style the twitter timeline
  3. roby718

    Check out my sites!!

    the forums are full of spam and posts containing jibberish (i.e. A POst titled "Suicide is the third supreme reason of stopping bulk schoolchild between"); with contents containing title-irrelevant links.
  4. roby718

    Need your opinions about my website !!

    IDK = I don't Know
  5. roby718

    Need your opinions about my website !!

    IDK if it's supposed to look like this, but, the template is messed up, and there are a bunch of forum posts that violate the TOS such as this, which is instructions for cracking Winrar. The TOS rules that apply to this are Illegal Material, and possibly Warez.
  6. roby718

    Want your opinions

    Image sprites? The only images on the page are the header, and the background; that and everything from (which don't come in sprite flavor). Everything else is loaded on to a canvas by Cufon.
  7. roby718

    Important Poll

    why would somebody in their right mind use either of those????
  8. roby718

    My Website Design

    nice job.
  9. roby718

    help me improve plz

    Run it through paypal, so that the transaction is made on paypal's website (they do that you know)
  10. roby718

    AsylumServe Communications

    font could be larger+a little bolder. the red highlights in the background are too close to white to have white text in front. Additionally the background is to distraction.
  11. roby718

    Want your opinions

    So, before I move this to the root directory for, as my new site, I want you to tell me what you think about my new site. Oh, and one thing before you ask, the menu does work, but since I don't have content for those pages, my 10kcms mod defaults to the homepage. Additional unique...
  12. roby718

    AGGGHHHHH! Why stoli, why do you do this to me.

    this is the perhaps 10th time this month, and fifth this day that stoli has gone down. And i'm starting to get very irritated.
  13. roby718

    Is Username Password script in JavaScript all right ??

    If you desperate want to use JS to do logins, write an ajax script that validates credentials using a php counterpart, because php source can't be downloaded (in some circumstances it can: server error).
  14. roby718

    Free Hosting Tricks #1

    That is an awesome method for determining availability.
  15. roby718

    if you searching for THE host for your site, stop here

    Better than any unlimted host i've ever had. Which are SixServe (AKA ****Serve) OrangeServe (Same guy, sold sixserve) and many others. They either had unexplained downtime, or put unexplained, and unwaranted adds and huge banners on your page. I really hated it. This place is awesome..
  16. roby718


    Yes, I know there is maintenance, Yes I flushed My DNS. And the FTP server isn't working. is also throwing a 500 error... So yeah.
  17. roby718

    My Site: EVIL

    Is that homebrew php? cool. I need to brush up on my php...
  18. roby718

    Need your opinions about my website !!

    I like it. But i think that it needs some more contrast and a header image.
  19. roby718

    Have a look at this.

    but, for me to correct it, I need to know whats wrong in your eyes.
  20. roby718

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get no google results I insert a chihuahua